William Wrather's Footage of the Gallup ...
Creator: Wrather, William geologist
hits = 307 |
Adena Burial Mound Excavation, ca. 1939 83.8.1 ...
Creator: Buckner, John L
hits = 284 |
Bering Sea Eskimos, 1968 76.7.1 1968
Creator: Joli Morgan
hits = 269 |
The Catawba Indians of South Carolina unknown
Creator: Kurtz, Benjamin T. sculptor
hits = 199 |
The Catawba Indians of South Carolina unknown
Creator: Kurtz, Benjamin T. sculptor
hits = 147 |
Native American Dance Footage ca. 1960
Creator: Kurath, Gertrude
hits = 126 |
Appeals to Santiago 1969
hits = 116 |
Appeals to Santiago 1969
hits = 111 |
Scott Williams' Micronesian Film Project 1975-1976
Creator: Williams, Scott filmmaker
hits = 108 |
Marshall !Kung Expedition IV, 1955 1955
Creator: Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932-2005
hits = 105 |
Brooklyn Giglio 1956
hits = 99 |
Civilization on Trial in South Africa ca. 1950
Creator: Scott, Reverend Michael minister 1907-1983
hits = 97 |
Sanderson's American Indian Footage, c. ...
Creator: Sanderson, Grover T. photographer
hits = 93 |
Jerry Payne's Decomposition of Baby Pigs, 1965 ...
hits = 92 |
Bering Sea Eskimos, 1968 76.7.1 1968
Creator: Joli Morgan
hits = 76 |
The Vanishing Indian ca. 1920
hits = 68 |
Beautiful Japan, 1917-1918
Creator: Brodsky, Benjamin travel-lecturer
hits = 67 |
Seminole Indians, c. 1950 [supplied] 86.11.9 c. ...
Creator: Freeman, Ethel Cutler amateur Seminole ...
hits = 66 |
Himba wedding 83.5.3 1969
Creator: Gibson, Gordon D. Gordon Davis, 1915-2007
hits = 66 |
Yupik Eskimo Life, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, ...
Creator: Collins, Henry Bascom, 1899-1987
hits = 64 |
Marshall !Kung Expedition IV, 1955 1955
Creator: Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932-2005
hits = 62 |
Last of the Bororos 1 1930-1931
Creator: Baker, Aloha explorer
hits = 61 |
Marshall !Kung Expedition VI, 1957-1958 1957-1958
Creator: Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932-2005
hits = 60 |
John W.S. and Arthur D. Foster's World Travel ...
Creator: Foster, John W.S
hits = 59 |
Black Hills Rodeo, South Dakota, 1938 and Dog ...
Creator: Killy, Monroe, P. Native American art dealer
hits = 59 |
John W. Rowe's Geneva to Bombay Car Rally, 1956 ...
Creator: John W. Rowe
hits = 58 |
Howard E. Bowers' Travel Footage of Asia, ca. ...
hits = 57 |
Himba wedding 83.5.3 1969
Creator: Gibson, Gordon D. Gordon Davis, 1915-2007
hits = 57 |
Adventures in Ecuador Wonders of the World ca. ...
Creator: Linker, Hal 1916
hits = 57 |
Ethel Freeman's Footage of Africa 1949-1950
Creator: Freeman, Ethel Cutler 1886-1972
hits = 55 |
William Wrather's Footage of the Gallup ...
Creator: Wrather, William geologist
hits = 54 |