![Taxidermist at Work on Roosevelt Safari Specimens](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/95-253thb.jpg)
Taxidermist at Work on Roosevelt Safari Specimens
Creator: Unknown
hits = 1105 |
![World's First Cash Register](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/2003-19541thb.jpg)
World's First Cash Register
Creator: Unknown
hits = 1011 |
![Preliminary Drawing for National Museum of ...](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/ai-18928thb.jpg)
Preliminary Drawing for National Museum of ...
Creator: Unknown
hits = 983 |
![Apollo 11 Command Module Moving Out of A&I](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/sia75-11095-20thb.jpg)
Apollo 11 Command Module Moving Out of A&I
Creator: Farrar, Richard
hits = 970 |
![Lunar Sample Exhibit, A&I, 1970](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/opa-1564.28thb.jpg)
Lunar Sample Exhibit, A&I, 1970
Creator: Unknown
hits = 951 |
![Atlas Computer Exhibit](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mah-x3794thb.jpg)
Atlas Computer Exhibit
Creator: Unknown
hits = 915 |
![Installation of Exhibitions in Air and Space](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/sia76-6944-02thb.jpg)
Installation of Exhibitions in Air and Space
Creator: Farrar, Richard
hits = 911 |
![Replacing Slate Roof of A&I Building with Tin](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mah-20042thb.jpg)
Replacing Slate Roof of A&I Building with Tin
Creator: Unknown
hits = 833 |
![Temperate Zone Mammals Exhibit, Hall of Mammals, ...](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mnh246thb.jpg)
Temperate Zone Mammals Exhibit, Hall of Mammals, ...
Creator: Unknown
hits = 823 |
![Fabrics of the Future Exhibit](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/2005-10444thb.jpg)
Fabrics of the Future Exhibit
Creator: Unknown
hits = 822 |
![Exhibit Case of Clothing Artifacts from Colonial ...](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mah-9104thb.jpg)
Exhibit Case of Clothing Artifacts from Colonial ...
Creator: Unknown
hits = 813 |
![Exhibit of First Typewriter](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mah-38785gthb.jpg)
Exhibit of First Typewriter
Creator: Unknown
hits = 807 |
![Lecture Room, United States National Museum](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mah-16242thb.jpg)
Lecture Room, United States National Museum
Creator: Unknown
hits = 803 |
![Visitors Viewing Friendship 7](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/82-3306thb.jpg)
Visitors Viewing Friendship 7
Creator: Unknown
hits = 782 |
![Secretary Adams Videotaping Session](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/89-13543.13thb.jpg)
Secretary Adams Videotaping Session
Creator: Tinsley, Jeff
hits = 778 |
![Empty Exhibit Cases in A&I](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/sia75-11093-16athb.jpg)
Empty Exhibit Cases in A&I
Creator: Farrar, Richard
hits = 775 |
![Laboratory of Division of Radiation and ...](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mnh-11036fthb.jpg)
Laboratory of Division of Radiation and ...
Creator: Unknown
hits = 772 |
![Andrew Jackson's Letter to Congress Regarding ...](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/2005-33527thb.jpg)
Andrew Jackson's Letter to Congress Regarding ...
Creator: Jackson, Andrew 1767-1845
hits = 768 |
![Construction of A&I Galleries](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mah-11482thb.jpg)
Construction of A&I Galleries
Creator: Unknown
hits = 759 |
![Renovation of Regents Room, SIB](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/opa-1457.14athb.jpg)
Renovation of Regents Room, SIB
Creator: Unknown
hits = 734 |
![Hope Diamond Presentation, 1958](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/SIA2008-2293thb.jpg)
Hope Diamond Presentation, 1958
Creator: Unknown
hits = 733 |
![Calder Sculpture at History and Technology ...](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mah77796thb.jpg)
Calder Sculpture at History and Technology ...
Creator: Unknown
hits = 714 |
![Ostrich at the National Zoo](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mah-17740thb.jpg)
Ostrich at the National Zoo
Creator: Unknown
hits = 675 |
![Robert Redford Comes to SI](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/89-13461.12athb.jpg)
Robert Redford Comes to SI
Creator: Hofmeister, Richard K
hits = 538 |
![S. Dillon Ripley in Sailor Suit](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/SIA2009-0431thb.jpg)
S. Dillon Ripley in Sailor Suit
Creator: Bachrach, Louis Fabian
hits = 528 |
![Mural Located End of Quadrangle Concourse](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/87-6702thb.jpg)
Mural Located End of Quadrangle Concourse
Creator: Lautman, Robert
hits = 487 |
![Anteater's Association Meeting, NZP](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/84-13887thb.jpg)
Anteater's Association Meeting, NZP
Creator: Unknown
hits = 402 |
![DeCarlo Wiley](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/94-2879thb.jpg)
DeCarlo Wiley
Creator: Foster, Susan
hits = 361 |
![Pharmacy Exhibit in U.S. National Museum](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mah-30439thb.jpg)
Pharmacy Exhibit in U.S. National Museum
Creator: Unknown
hits = 352 |
![World War I Tank Outside National Museum](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mah-21861athb.jpg)
World War I Tank Outside National Museum
Creator: Unknown
hits = 328 |
![NMNH Plan of Stairway to Dome, 1906](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/SIA2009-2364thb.jpg)
NMNH Plan of Stairway to Dome, 1906
Creator: Unknown
hits = 320 |