![Comparative Anatomy Hall Installation, U.S. ...](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/2002-12146thb.jpg)
Comparative Anatomy Hall Installation, U.S. ...
Creator: Unknown
hits = 1089 |
![Henry Family on the Smithsonian Grounds](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/2002-12181thb.jpg)
Henry Family on the Smithsonian Grounds
Creator: Peale, Titian Ramsay
hits = 1009 |
![Construction of Natural History Building](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/82-3231thb.jpg)
Construction of Natural History Building
Creator: Unknown
hits = 992 |
![Nixon Inaugural Ball](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/sia73-519-15athb.jpg)
Nixon Inaugural Ball
Creator: Hofmeister, Richard K
hits = 957 |
![The Wright Brothers First Flight at Kitty Hawk, ...](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/2002-12169thb.jpg)
The Wright Brothers First Flight at Kitty Hawk, ...
Creator: Unknown
hits = 942 |
![Larry Hagman Gives Hat to NMAH](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/sia84-1862-23thb.jpg)
Larry Hagman Gives Hat to NMAH
Creator: Ploskonka, Jeffrey
hits = 935 |
![Exhibit - Hall of Gems and Minerals, USNM (NMNH)](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/MNH-072thb.jpg)
Exhibit - Hall of Gems and Minerals, USNM (NMNH)
Creator: Unknown
hits = 928 |
![West African Wood Carvings](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mnh-26819athb.jpg)
West African Wood Carvings
Creator: Unknown
hits = 903 |
![Scupltor Felix de Weldon and Bust of James ...](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/79-6985.06thb.jpg)
Scupltor Felix de Weldon and Bust of James ...
Creator: Farrar, Richard
hits = 860 |
![Watson M. Perrygo Working on Bird Specimen](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/81-13386thb.jpg)
Watson M. Perrygo Working on Bird Specimen
Creator: Unknown
hits = 822 |
![Regents Meeting, 1954](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/82-3329thb.jpg)
Regents Meeting, 1954
Creator: Unknown
hits = 776 |
![Dynamics of Evolution exhibit at NMNH, 1979](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/SIA2009-2572thb.jpg)
Dynamics of Evolution exhibit at NMNH, 1979
hits = 769 |
![G. Arthur Cooper and the](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/86-498thb.jpg)
G. Arthur Cooper and the "Scarlet Harlot"
Creator: Unknown
hits = 756 |
![National Museum Closes for WWI Work](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mah-23905thb.jpg)
National Museum Closes for WWI Work
Creator: Unknown
hits = 738 |
![Loyal B. Aldrich and Others at SAO Site](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mah11015thb.jpg)
Loyal B. Aldrich and Others at SAO Site
Creator: Unknown
hits = 706 |
![S. Dillon Ripley Family](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/SIA2007-0068thb.jpg)
S. Dillon Ripley Family
Creator: Budney, Thomas
hits = 690 |
![SAO-Harvard Radio Telescope Is Installed](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/2005-10441thb.jpg)
SAO-Harvard Radio Telescope Is Installed
hits = 681 |
![Creators and Advisors of Fiberglass Jaws](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/97-9597thb.jpg)
Creators and Advisors of Fiberglass Jaws
Creator: Clark, Chip
hits = 675 |
![Unveiling of](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/76-2525.18thb.jpg)
Unveiling of "The Federal City" Model
Creator: Unknown
hits = 663 |
![Tennis Courts Behind SI Building](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mah-15277athb.jpg)
Tennis Courts Behind SI Building
Creator: Unknown
hits = 634 |
![Skaters on Rock Creek](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/MAH-15911thb.jpg)
Skaters on Rock Creek
Creator: Unknown
hits = 586 |
![Explorers of the Danish Fifth Thule Expedition](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/2005-8627thb.jpg)
Explorers of the Danish Fifth Thule Expedition
Creator: Hansen, Leo
hits = 574 |
![Newly Completed Museum of History and Technology](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mah-p6499athb.jpg)
Newly Completed Museum of History and Technology
Creator: Unknown
hits = 548 |
![Merle Crisler Foshag](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/2002-12180thb.jpg)
Merle Crisler Foshag
Creator: Unknown
hits = 543 |
![President George Bush Visits Langley Theater](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/92-17038.31thb.jpg)
President George Bush Visits Langley Theater
Creator: Russo, Carolyn
hits = 506 |
![Peacock Room, Freer Gallery of Art](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/2002-12189thb.jpg)
Peacock Room, Freer Gallery of Art
Creator: Unknown
hits = 406 |
![Preliminary Drawing for National Museum of ...](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/ai-18928thb.jpg)
Preliminary Drawing for National Museum of ...
Creator: Unknown
hits = 384 |
![Cybill Shepherd at Castle](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/88-10752.31thb.jpg)
Cybill Shepherd at Castle
Creator: Tinsley, Jeff
hits = 341 |
![Smithsonian Secretaries and Clerks, 1930](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/94-4431thb.jpg)
Smithsonian Secretaries and Clerks, 1930
Creator: Unknown
hits = 325 |
![Viola Shelly Shantz](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/95-20481thb.jpg)
Viola Shelly Shantz
Creator: Unknown
hits = 320 |
![World War I Tank Outside National Museum](http://sirismm.si.edu/siahistory/imagedbthb/mah-21861athb.jpg)
World War I Tank Outside National Museum
Creator: Unknown
hits = 295 |