Popular IDS delivered images for Archives of American Gardens in May, 2015 with record counts and referrers
Archives of American Gardens 3,250 unique images delivered, 13,054 total images delivered.
[Ward Garden] [sl...
hits = 5113
no title
hits = 1101
Bellingrath Garde...
hits = 136
no title
hits = 67
[Salubrity Hall] ...
hits = 63
[Salubrity Hall] ...
hits = 62
Constitution Hill...
hits = 54
[Weld] [slide]
hits = 51
[Sonnenberg Garde...
hits = 51
[Untitled Garden ...
hits = 51
[Unidentified Gar...
hits = 49
El Mirador [slide]
hits = 49
[Sonnenberg Garde...
hits = 49
[Sonnenberg Garde...
hits = 47
Central Park [pho...
hits = 28
Central Park [pho...
hits = 28
Central Park [pho...
hits = 27
Sears Garden [pho...
hits = 26
Central Park [pho...
hits = 24
Central Park [pho...
hits = 22
[Unidentified Gar...
hits = 20
[Henry Francis du...
hits = 19
[Goshen Plantatio...
hits = 17
Claremont Manor [...
hits = 16
Claremont Manor [...
hits = 16
Claremont Manor [...
hits = 16
Claremont Manor [...
hits = 16
Hewitt Garden [ph...
hits = 15
Hewitt Garden [ph...
hits = 15
[Unidentified Gar...
hits = 14
Referers for Archives of American Gardens
sirismm.si.edu 1,167
www.google.com 5
collections.si.edu 3
designersondesign.tumblr.com 1 1
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