The Human Studies Film Archives collections include films and videos of historical, archaeological, and ethnographic significance, including edited ethnographic films, unique research footage produced as part of anthropological research, and travelogues by amateur and professional filmmakers.

The following is a list of major collections from HSFA cataloged in Smithsonian Institution Research Information System (SIRIS):


The Last of the New York Cigar Rollers ca. 1970
Kramer, Karen filmmaker
1 videocassette (13 min.) snd. col. 1/2 inch VHS reference

The last whalers [published] 93.24.23 c. 1970
Bryan, Julien Film producer
760 ft sound color film

The long journey home [published] 93.10.1 c. 1990
14 min sound color video

The Long Search:African Religions (Zulu Zion) 1968
Reference 2 film reel (1855 ft). 16mm

The man hunters 87.16.2 1969
Noxon, Nicolas filmmaker
60,000 ft sound color

The man hunters [published] 89.22.25 1976
Noxon, Nicholas filmmaker
1,827 ft sound color film

The many faces of mexico [published] 89.22.3 1975
658 ft sound color film

The masai [published] 88.16.7 1929
Pathe Science Series
374 ft (14 min) silent b&w video

The meat fight [published] 91.18.10 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
14 min sound color video

The melon tossing game [published] 91.18.11 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
15 min sound color video

The Mongols of Central Asia 88.16.8 1929
Pathe Science Series
340 (11 min) silent b&w video

The nuer [published] 84.19.6 1970
Harris, Hillary filmmaker
2,700 ft sound color film

The opium trail [published] 81.5.7 c. 1960
ATV Pathfinder Productions
2,160 ft (60 min) sound b&w video

The Origin of Man 89.18.3 c. 1920
1 reel (336 ft.) sil. b&w 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videocassette (10 min.) sil.b&w BetacamSP master
1 videocassette (10 min.) sil. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference

The Pyramids and Sphinx 90.10.9 1929
197 ft (8 min) silent b&w video

The religious investiture of his holiness the dalai lama of tibet 86.4.1 1958-1959
1,016 ft silent color

The religious investiture of his holiness the dalai lama of tibet [published] 81.4.1 c. 1970
522 ft sound color film

The road to panama [published] 91.20.21 1946
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
2,813 ft (78 min) silent color/b&w video

The Romance of a Vanishing Race 1916
archival original 1 film reel (1,030 ft.) sil. b&w 16mm

The Round Africa Cruise of the Camargo 1934
Fleischmann, Julius
reference 3 videocasettes (1 hr. 30 min.) sil. b&w VHS
master 3 videocassettes (1 hr. 30 min.) sil. b&w Betacam SP
master 3 videoreels (1 hr. 30 min.) sil. b&w one inch
archival original 3 reels (1,399 ft.) sil. b&w 16mm

The Serpent Deities [published] 77.3.2 1975
Jones, Clifford art historian
690 ft (23 min) sound color video

The strange case of the english language [published] 93.24.39 c. 1968
Clemens, Robert cameraman
1,705 ft sound color film

The tahitian [published] 94.5.1 1956
Knott, James cameraman
2,844 ft sound color

The tribal eye 75.5.1 1974-1975
Attenborough, David television producer
29,600 ft sound color film

The trobriand islanders [published] 93.24.29 c. 1950
Powell, H.A. university professor
1,503 ft sound color film

The Tutsi Royal Drums and Hutu and Noore Dances [published] 94.19.38 date unknown
Tracy, Hugh photographer
12 min silent color video

The twilight of the primitive [published] 85.11.4 c. 1969
Cotlow, Lewis explorer 1898-****
1,800 ft (50 min) sound color video

The vanishing indian [published] 77.5.1 c. 1920
Sioux Super Films
420 ft (15 min) silent b&w film/video

The Voice of the Sky: Alice Fletcher's Encounter With the Omahas [published] 95.1.11 1994
Stewart, Ellyn High School Senior
10 min sound color b&w video

The wasp nest [published] 91.18.16 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
20 min sound color video

The wedding camels 83.2.4 1978
MacDougall, David ethnographic filmmaker 1939
3,900 ft sound color

The wild heart of africa [published] 90.7.11 1929
Walker, Cub Stanford University graduate
2,765 ft silent b&w film

The Wild Mountain Tribes of Northern Luzon 81.2.1 c. 1929
Hilsman, Roger Captain, United States Army 1890-19
900 ft silent b&w film archival original
reference 1 videocassette (53 min.) sil. b&w 1/2inch VHS
master 1 videocassette (53 min.) sil. b&w betacam sp
master 1 videoreel (53 min.) sil. b&w one inch

The Wind and the River 94.19.32 ca. 1940
Arne Sucksdorf
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. b&w. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (11 min.) snd. b&w one inch master
1 videocassette (11 min.) snd. b&w betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (11 min.) snd. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference

[Theodore Richards World Travel Footage, c. 1924-1928] 93.25.1 ca. 1924-1928
Theodore Richards
7 reels (5,770 ft.) sil. b&w. 16mm archival original/preservation
4 videoreels (3 hr. 9 min.) sil. b&w one inch master
4 videocassettes (3 hr. 9 min.) sil. b&w betacamSP $3 master
4 videocassettes (3 hr. 9 min.) sil. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference

This is Ecuador 94.19.57 1942
Kenneth Richter
1 reel (288 ft.) snd. b&w. 16mm archival original
1 videoreel (8 min.) snd. b&w one inch original video
1 videocassette (8 min.) snd. b&w betacamSP $3 video master

Thompson Indian Dances and Songs, British Columbia, Canada, 1981 [supplied] 89.13.1 1981
Wickwire, Wendy
1 hr sound b&w

Threads of life 87.2.1 1973
Dermer, Irwin photographer 1925
2,500 ft sound color

Threads of Survival [published] 93.21.2 1991
Vander, Kathryn Director
25 min sound color video

Three Passports to Adventure 078 1973 Savage Warriors of New Guinea (part II)
reference 1 DVD (22 min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (22 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (22 min.) snd. col. 2 inch

Three Passports to Adventure 078 1973 Savage Warriors of New Guinea (part I)
reference 1 DVD (23min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (23 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (23 min.) snd. col. 2 inch

Three Passports to Adventure Caravan to Kabul 119 1975
reference 1 DVD (23 min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (23 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (23 min.) snd. col. 2 inch

Through the Gates of Splendor [published] 94.23.1 c. 1960
Saint, Nate
37 min sound color video

Thurlow Lieurance and American Indian Music 86.11.3 1978
30 min sound color video

Tibetan buddhism: cycles of interdependence 86.1.2 1982
Bastian, Dr. Edward W. director/producer
14,000 ft sound color

Time of dreams: siberian shamanism [published] 89.7.1 1982
Slapins, Andris ethnographic filmmaker 1949-1991
2,490 ft (1 hr 50 min) sound b&w video

Tip top of the earth: arctic alaskan eskimo educational series [published] 86.5.1 1916-1918
Van Valin, William teacher
2,827 ft (2 hrs 21 min) silent b&w film/video

Title from Film 94.21.00 1900
1 reel (000 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference

To find our life: the peyote hunt of the huichols of mexico [published] 81.5.8 1968-1969
Hurst, Peter. T. anthropologist
2,340 ft (65 min) sound color video

To live with herds 83.2.7 1973
MacDougall, David ethnographic filmmaker 1939
2,520 ft sound b&w

To serve the gods 92.9.2 1982
5,400 ft sound color

To Set Up the Gong Stand Ritual, 1985 [supplied] 88.2.3 1985
Scheerer, Laura filmmaker
2 hrs sound color video

To taste a hundred herbs: gods, ancestors and medicine in a chinese village [published] 88.5.5 1982
Hinton, Carma art history graduate student
60 min sound color video

Tombs and Temples of the Pharaohs 90.10.5 1929
196 ft (8 min) silent b&w video

Tonga, 1965-1966 [supplied] 90.19.2 1965-1966
Kaeppler, Adrienne Lois
3,311 ft (73 min) silent color/b&w video

Tonga, 1967 [supplied] 90.19.3 1967
Kaeppler, Adrienne Lois
1,255 ft (34 min) silent color video

Tonga Dance, 1965-1967 [supplied] 90.19.1 1965-1967
Kaeppler, Adrienne Lois
670 ft (18 min) silent color video

Totem pole [published] 93.24.42 1963
970 ft sound color film

Totems: indians of british columbia [published] 87.9.17 c. 1943
Boulton, Laura musicologist
557 ft (16 min) silent color video

Touching port here and there, part i [published] 90.10.2 1929
98 ft (4 min) silent b&w video

Touching port here and there, part ii [published] 90.10.3 1929
95 ft (4 min) silent b&w video

Trading the sun [published] 89.22.8 1981
754 ft sound color film

Tragada bhavai: a rural theater troupe of gujarat 86.9.1 1980-1981
Sandall, Roger ethnographic filmmaker 1933
8,000 ft sound color

Tragada bhavai: a rural theater troupe of gujarat [published] 86.9.3 1982
Sandall, Roger ethnographic filmmaker 1933
60 min sound color video

Trailing lewis and clark to oregon [published] 91.20.5 1963
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
2,845 ft silent color film

Travel Footage of Puerto Rico, c. 1929 [supplied] 93.3.1 c. 1929
379 ft (15 min) silent b&w video

Travelers in time: south with shackleton <1914> [published] 89.22.31 1980
1,144 ft sound b&w film

Travels of pong barley [published] 91.6.1 1987
52 min sound color video

Tribe of the turquoise waters [published] 92.6.1 1953
406 ft (12 min) b&w sound video

Trobriand cricket: an ingenious response to colonialism [published] 88.11.1 1974
Kildea, Gary filmmaker
1,908 ft sound color

Trobriand Island Dances, 1974 [supplied] 88.11.2 1974
Leach, Jerry W
1,300 ft (42 min) silent b&w video

Tug-of-war, bushmen [published] 91.18.15 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
6 min sound color video

Tug-of-war, yanomamo [published] 84.16.18 1975
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
324 ft (9 min) sound color video

Tunis and Carthage 90.10.15 1929
97 ft (4 min) silent b&w video

Turanian Herder-Farmers, 1974-1978 [supplied] 88.14.1 1974-1978
Martin, Mary anthropologist
13,140 ft (6 hrs) silent color video

Turkana Conversations Film Project, 1974 83.2.1 1974
MacDougall, David ethnographic filmmaker 1939
38,485 ft sound color film

Two worlds [published] 94.4.2 . 1975
30 min sound color video

Ukrainian dance [published] 87.9.13 1943
Boulton, Laura musicologist
606 ft (17 min) sound color video

Ukrainian winter holidays [published] 87.9.14 1942
Boulton, Laura musicologist
759 ft (21 min) sound color video

Uncovering an ancient mexican temple [published] 91.16.2 c. 1940s
Stirling, Matthew anthropologist 1896-1975
2,614 ft (70 min) silent color video

Under the men's tree 83.2.8 1974
MacDougall, David ethnographic filmmaker 1939
540 ft sound b&w

Unspoiled bali [published] 89.2.14 c. 1924
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. art historian
196 ft (8 min) silent b&w video

Up the Nile to Central Africa 97.7.1 1928
William O. Field
1 reel (1,200 ft.) sil. b&w 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (51 min.) sil. b&w one inch master
1 videocassette (51 min.) sil. b&w betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (51 min.) sil. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference

Vanishing africa [published] 85.11.3 1969
Cotlow, Lewis explorer 1898-****
2,600 ft (72 min) sound color video

Venice and the Italian Lakes [published] 91.20.27 1958
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
90 minutes silent color film/video

Venice, c. 1919 [supplied] 90.7.4 c. 1919
323 ft silent b&w film/video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Andres Medina Hernandez and Fernando Camara, 1989 [supplied] 89.10.25 1989
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Charles Fairbanks and John Griffin, 1982 [supplied] 89.10.7 1982
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Charles Wagley, 1983 [supplied] 89.10.5 1983
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Clyde Mitchell and H. Russell Bernard, 1990 [supplied] 89.10.26 1990
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Conrad Arensberg and Lambros Comitas, 1989 [supplied] 89.10.19 1989
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Daniel Rubin de Borbolla and Fernando Camara, 1989 [supplied] 89.10.22 1989
Daniel Rubin de la Borbolla Mexican
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Edgar Siskin and Norman Markel, 1984 [supplied] 89.10.2 1984
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Elizabeth Colson and Charles Wagley, 1984 [supplied] 89.10.10 1984
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Fernando Camara and H. Russell Bernard, 1989 [supplied] 89.10.21 1989
Fernando Camara Mexican
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Fernando Camara and H. Russell Bernard, 1989 [supplied] 89.10.21a 1989
Fernando Camara Mexican
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Frederica de Laguna and Norman Markel, 1984 [supplied] 89.10.4 1984
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: George Foster and Charles Wagley, 1983 [supplied] 89.10.9 1983
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Hugo Nutinin and John Roberts, 1988 [supplied] 89.10.13 1988
Nutinin, Hugo Chilean
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: John M. Roberts and Jeremy A. Sabloff, 1988 [supplied] 89.10.14 1988
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: John Rowe and Charles Wagley, 1984 [supplied] 89.10.12 1984
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Lambros Comitas and H. Russell Bernard, 1989 [supplied] 89.10.20 1989
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Lauriston Sharp and Paul Doughty, 1989 [supplied] 89.10.18 1989
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Manuel Gandara and Fernando Camara, 1989 [supplied] 89.10.24 1989
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Mary Haas and Norman Markel, 1984 [supplied] 89.10.1 1984
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Murray Wax and H. Russell Bernard, 1988 [supplied] 89.10.17 1988
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Rosalie Wax and Murray Wax with Joan Cassell, 1988 [supplied] 89.10.16 1988
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Ruth Bunzel and Charles Wagley, 1983 [supplied] 89.10.8 1983
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Sherwood Washburn and Charles Wagley, 1984 [supplied] 89.10.11 1984
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Stanley Garns and Otto Von Mering, 1990 [supplied] 89.10.27 1990
Florida University of Florida
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Stetson Kennedy and George Bedell, 1989 [supplied] 89.10.23 1989
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Walter Goldschmidt and Charles Wagley, 1982 [supplied] 89.10.6 1982
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: William Fenton and David Sapir, 1984 [supplied] 89.10.3 1984
2 hrs sound color video

Video Dialogues in Anthropology: Zunia Henry and Murray Wax, 1988 [supplied] 89.10.15 1988
Henry, Zunia Russian
2 hrs sound color video

Visiting samoa [published] 87.9.32 1985
Boulton, Laura musicologist
1,080 ft (30 min) sound color video

Vitarelli's Footage of the Western Caroline Islands, 1951-1974 [supplied] 80.2.1 1951-1974
Vitarelli, William V. educator
5,000 ft (2 hrs 28 min) silent color film/video

W. Raymond Wood's Footage of the 1952 Smithsonian Institution River Basin Surveys, Fort Pierre, South Dakota [supplied] 88.1.1 1952
Wood, W. Raymond
90 ft silent color film

Walkabout [published] 91.8.5 1974
882 ft sound color film

Wanderers of the arabian desert [published] 88.16.6 1928
Pathe Science Series
341 ft (11 min) silent b&w video

Ward Williams Footage of Papua New Guinea, 1935-1937 [supplied] 91.5.1 1935-37
Williams, J. Ward mining engineer/explorer
2,000 ft (36 min) silent b&w film/video

Wat Phrathat Temple, Thailand, 1968 [supplied] 92.10.2 1968
Sanderson, Richard filmmaker
1,000 ft silent color

Way of the wodaabe [published] 90.1.2 1988
28 min sound color video

Wayang Kulit [published] 94.20.6 date unknown
Hussain, Zain Director
507 ft sound color film

We Know How to Do these Things: Birth in a Newar Village 97.16.1 1996
Barbara Johnson
1 videocassette (38 min.) snd. col. betacamSP $3 archival original
1 videocassette (38 min.) snd. col. 1/2 inch VHS reference

Weaving Traditions: Guanxi and Yunan Provinces, 1984-1987 [supplied] 88.13.1 1984-1987
Obal, Karen graduate student
3,740 ft (1 hr 54 min) silent color video

Weeding the garden [published] 84.16.19 1974
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
504 ft (14 min) sound color video

Whaling in the south pacific [published] 90.10.3 1919
100 ft (5 min) silent b&w video

Wheeler Footage of Guatemala and Mexico, 1940 [supplied] 85.10.2 1940
Wheeler, Mrs. John L. photographer
400 ft (15 min) silent color video

Wheeler Footage of the Blackfeet, 1939 [supplied] 85.10.1 1939
Wheeler, Mrs. Burton K. photographer
400 ft (11 min) silent color video

White Africa 1970
reference 1 film reel (1,471 ft.) 16mm

Whole Town's Talking 86.11.2 ca. 1952
WOI-TV, Ames, Iowa
1,200 ft (46 min) sound b&w video

William Meggers Footage of American Indians, 1927, 1929, 1931 [published] 94.15.1 1931
Meggers, William producer
3 min silent B&W video

William O. Field's Footage of Kashmir, 1945 97.7.2 1945
William O. Field
1 videocassette (22 min.) sil. col 1/2 inch VHS reference
1 videoreel (22 min.) sil. col one inch master
1 videocassette (22 min.) sil. col betacamSP $3 master
1 reel (700 ft.) sil. col. 16mm archival original/preservation

[William O. Field's Footage of Moscow, 1960] 97.7.5 1960
William O. Field
1 reel (212 ft.) sil. col. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (6 min.) sil. col. one inch master
1 videocassette (6 min.) sil. col. betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (6 min.) sil. col. 1/2 inch VHS reference

[William O. Field's Footage of Samoa, 1963]
Field, WIlliam O
reference 1 videocassette (42 min.) sil. col. 1/2 inch VHS
master 1 videocassette (42 min.) sil. col. betacam sp
master 1 videoreel (42 min.) sil. col. one inch
archival original 2 reels (1,475 ft.) sil. col. 16mm

William O. Field's Footage of U.S.S.R., 1960 97.7.3 1960
William O. Field
1 reel (1,613 ft.) sil. col. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (45 min.) sil. col one inch master
1 videocassette (45 min.) sil. col betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (45 min.) sil. col 1/2 inch VHS reference

William Wrather's Footage of New Mexico, c. 1941 [supplied] 91.14.2 c. 1941
Wrather, William geologist
100 ft (4 min) color silent video

William Wrather's Footage of Puye and Santa Clara Pueblo, New Mexico, c. 1928 [supplied] 91.14.3 c. 1928
Wrather, William geologist
196 ft (8 min) b&w silent video

William Wrather's Footage of the Gallup Ceremonial, c. 1926-1932 [supplied] 91.14.1 c. 1926-1932
Wrather, William geologist
965 ft (35 min) silent b&w/color video

Willian E. Carter Footage of Aymara Village, Bolivia, c. 1960-1961 [supplied] 86.11.7 c. 1960-1961
Carter, William Earl 1927-1983 anthropologist
1,400 ft (49 min) silent color video

Winsconsin Powwow [published] 96.1.20 1996
Vennum, Thomas Jr. Filmmaker
43 min sound color video

Winter in eskimo land [published] 93.1.3 1939
Hubbard, S.J., Bernard Jesuit priest 1888-1962
360 ft (10 min) sound b&w video

Wiping the Tears of Seven Generations [published] 95.1.4 1991
Rhine, Gary Producer
57 min sound color b&w video

Wonders of the sahara [published] 91.21.5 c. 1970
Stans, Maurice H. cameraman
1,800 ft (51 min) sound color video

Wooden shoes [published] 90.7.12 c. 1927
806 ft silent b&w

Worship of the Deity Ayyappan [published] 77.3.1 1975
Jones, Clifford art historian
600 ft (21 min) sound color video

Yanomamo of the orinoco [published] 91.18.23 1987
Documentary Educational Resources
29 min sound color video

Yanomamo: a multidisciplinary study [published] 91.18.24 c. 1968
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
60 min sound color video

YanomamŽo Film Project, 1968 and 1971 [supplied] 84.16.1 1968 and 1971
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
97,000 ft sound color

Ye Old Time Coon Hunt [published] 88.16.3 1917
Warner, E.F. producer
86 ft silent b&w film/video

Yokohama [published] 89.9.5 c. 1910
50 ft silent b&w film

Yoruba crafts [published] 89.19.1 1950-1951
Bascom, William anthropologist
400 ft (11 min) silent color video

You Chiefs Are Peacemakers [published] 95.1.5 1992
Newswanger, Ryan Producer, Writer
18 min sound color video

Young Uruguay 94.19.56 ca. 1943
Julien Bryan
1 reel (617 ft.) snd. b&w. 16mm archival original
1 videoreel (18 min.) snd. b&w one inch original video
1 videocassette (18 min.) snd. b&w betacamSP $3 videomaster

Yucatec Maya Film Project, 1977 [supplied] 85.8.1 1977
Smith, Hubert filmmaker 1938
150,000 ft sound color film

Yugoslavia [published] 91.20.9 1972
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
2,952 ft silent color

Yupik Eskimo Life, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, c. 1930 [supplied] 82.6.1 c. 1930
Collins, Henry Bascom, 1899-1987
2,000 ft silent b&w film

Zanzabuku 85.11.2 1954
Cotlow, Lewis explorer 1898-****
2,400 ft (83 min) sound color video

Zimba Research Film, 1971 83.5.4 1971
Smithsonian Institution
2,100 ft (58 min) sound color film/video

Zingg's Huichol Footage, 1933-1934 [supplied] 82.10.1 1933-1934
Zingg, Robert anthropologist
1,332 ft (59 min) silent b&w film/video

Zingg's Tarahumara Footage, 1933 [supplied] 82.10.2 1933
Zingg, Robert anthropologist
503 ft (20 min) silent b&w film/video

Zozobra Celebration, Santa Fe, New Mexico, c. 1938 90.16.4 c. 1938
Knee, Ernest
one reel (450 ft.) sil. b&w 35mm archival original/preservation
1videoreel (5 min.) sil. b&w one inch master
1 videocassette (5 min.) sil. b&w BetacamSP master
1 videocassette (5 min.) sil. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference


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