The Human Studies Film Archives collections include films and videos of historical, archaeological, and ethnographic significance, including edited ethnographic films, unique research footage produced as part of anthropological research, and travelogues by amateur and professional filmmakers.

The following is a list of major collections from HSFA cataloged in Smithsonian Institution Research Information System (SIRIS):


Joseph Towles Footage of Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Egypt, 1966 [supplied] 91.13.12 1966
Towles, Joseph anthropologist 1937-1988
3 videocassettes (140 min.) sil. col. 1/2 inch VHS reference
master 3 videoreels (140 min.) sil. col. one inch
master 3 videocassettes (140 min.) sil.col. betacam sp
archival original 6 reels (1,850 ft.) sil. col. 8mm

Joseph Towles Zaire Film Study: Mbuti, Ndaka and Bira, 1970-1972 91.13.13 1970-1972
Towles, Joseph anthropologist 1937-1988
4 video cassettes (1 hr. 46 min.) sil. col. 3/4 inch video reference
1 video cassette (4 min.) sil. col. 1/2 inch VHS video reference
4 video cassettes (1 hr 46 min.) sil. col. 3/4 inch video master
1 video cassette (4 min.) sil. col. BetacamSP master
4 video reels (1 hr. 46 min.) sil. col. one inch video master

Jospeh Caldwell's Footage of River Basin Survey Work, Wagoner County, Oklahoma, c. 1948 [supplied] 91.19.1 c. 1948
Caldwell, Joseph Ralston
300 ft silent color

Ju ju music [published] 90.1.4 c. 1988
20 min sound color video

Jungle Headhunters 85.11.6 1949
Cotlow, Lewis
2,350 ft (73 min) sound color video

Jungle Terror 1949
Davis, Hassoldt, 1907
reference 1 videocassette (20 min.) snd. col. 1/2inch VHS
master 1 videocassette (20 min.) snd. col. betacam sp
master 1 videoreel (20 min.) snd. col. one inch
archival original 1 reel (720 ft.) snd. col. 16mm

Jyapu: industrious productivity as lifestyle [published] 86.13.16 1981
National Human Studies Film Center, Smithsonian Institution
540 ft sound color film

Kalachakra: Initiation and Transmission of Tibetan Buddhism to United States, 1981 [supplied] 86.1.1 1981
Bastian, Edward Buddhist scholar
30,000 ft sound color film

Kineto Review: Eastern European Travelogue, c. 1919 [supplied] 90.7.8 c. 1919
500 ft silent b&w film

Kodi People on the Island of Sumba, Indonesia, 1986 [supplied] 88.2.4 1986
Scheerer, Laura filmmaker
2 hrs sound color video

Koe ta'ane: a royal wedding [published] 89.12.1 1979
55 min sound color video

Kolomoki Indian Mounds, c. 1948 [supplied] 84.13.1 c. 1948
1,165 ft silent b&w film

Ku klux klan: the invisible empire [published] 93.24.21 1965
1,600 ft sound b&w film

!kung bushmen hunting equipment [published] 91.18.8 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
37 min sound color video

KUTV Tarahumara Video Project, 1986 [supplied] 87.15.1 1986
7 hrs sound color video

Kuvale Research Film, 1971 83.5.5 1971
Gibson, Gordon ethnographer 1915
1,200 ft (30 min) silent color video

La historia de los aztecas [published] 89.22.4 1975
675 ft sound color film

Ladakh village morning 86.13.13 1981
National Human Studies Film Center, Smithsonian Institution
400 ft sound color film

Land of quebec [published] 87.9.21 1942
Boulton, Laura musicologist
662 ft (19 min) sound color video

Land of quebec [published] 87.9.22 1941
Boulton, Laura musicologist
929 ft (26 min) silent color video

Last of the Bororos [published] 76.5.1 1930-1931
Baker, Aloha explorer
1,200 ft (32 min) silent b&w film/video

Latin america, part i: its countries [published] 93.24.2 1963
Beveridge, James film producer
950 ft sound color film

Latin america, part ii: its history, economy and politics [published] 93.24.25 1963
Beveridge, James film producer
1,170 ft sound b&w film

Latin America: an Introduction 94.21.37 1961
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Laura Boulton Film Collection: Africa, c. 1934 [supplied] 87.9.26 c. 1934
Boulton, Laura musicologist
1,072 ft (40 min) silent b&w video

Laura Boulton Film Collection: Africa, c. 1947 [supplied] 87.9.27 c. 1947
Boulton, Laura musicologist
3,240 ft (90 min) silent color video

Laura Boulton Film Collection: Asia, c. 1950 [supplied] 87.9.11 c. 1950
Boulton, Laura musicologist
12,960 ft (6 hrs) silent color video

Laura Boulton Film Collection: Haiti, c. 1946 [supplied] 87.9.1 c. 1946
Boulton, Laura musicologist
330 ft (10 min) silent color video

Laura Boulton Film Collection: Mexico, 1940 [supplied] 87.9.7 1940
Boulton, Laura musicologist
795 ft (19 min) silent color video

Laura Boulton Film Collection: Micronesia, 1976 [supplied] 87.9.30 1976
Boulton, Laura musicologist
3,600 ft (1 hr 40 min) silent b&w video

Laura Boulton Film Collection: Miscellaneous, c. 1947 [supplied] 87.9.28 c. 1947
Boulton, Laura musicologist
551 ft (17 min) silent color video

Laura Boulton Film Collection: New Mexico, 1941 [supplied] 87.9.6 1941
Boulton, Laura musicologist
720 ft (20 min) silent color video

Laura Boulton Film Collection: Papua New Guinea, 1978 [supplied] 87.9.9 1978
Boulton, Laura musicologist
2,275 ft (70 min) silent color video

Laura Boulton Film Collection: Samoa, 1976 [supplied] 87.9.30 1976
Boulton, Laura musicologist
5,652 ft (2 hrs 37 min) sound color video

Laura Boulton Film Collection: Turkey, c. 1954 [supplied] 87.9.10 c. 1954
Boulton, Laura musicologist
330 ft (9 min) silent color video

Laura Boulton Film Collection: Yugoslavia, 1951 [supplied] 87.9.8 1951
Boulton, Laura musicologist
978 ft (27 min) silent color video

Lawson Field Excavation, Georgia, 1938 86.7.1 1938
Willey, Gordon R. archeologist
reference 1 videocassette (20 min.) sil. col. 3/4 inch
master 1 videocassette (20 min.) sil. col. 3/4 inch
archival original 1 reel of film (483 ft.) sil. col. 16mm

Leahy Footage of Papua New Guinea, c. 1930-1952 [supplied] 77.4.1 c. 1930-1952
Leahy, Michael J. gold prospector
4,600 ft silent b&w/color film

Legacy of the spirits 92.9.4 1985
Kramer, Karen filmmaker
14,800 ft sound color

Leopold sedar senghor [published] 93.24.26 1967
Marver, Eugene cameraman
1,035 ft sound b&w film

Leprosy [published] 81.2.2 c. 1929
Hilsman, Roger Captain, United States Army 1890-****
450 ft silent b&w film archival original
reference 1 videocassette (14 min.) sil. b&w 1/2 inch VHS
master 1 videocassette (14 min.) sil. b&w betacam sp
master 1 videoreel (14 min.) sil. b&w one inch

Les danseuses de s.m. sisowaith, roi du cambodge [published] 89.2.12 c. 1925
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. art historian
162 ft (8 min) silent b&w video

Life In a Haitian Valley Film Study, 1934 [supplied] 77.1.2 1934
Herskovits, Melville Jean anthropologist
1,400 ft (52 min) silent b&w film/video

Life in an Oasis: North Africa 1962
reference video 1 videocassette (10 min.) snd. col. 1/2 inch VHS
master video 1 videocassette (10 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
master video 1 video reel (10 min.) snd. col. one inch video
archival original 1 reel of film (360 ft.) snd. col. 16mm

Life in Hot Rain Forests: Amazon Basin 94.21.45 1961
1 reel (504 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Life in Mediterranean Lands 94.21.7 1963
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Life In Northern Lands: Norway 94.21.28 1954
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Life in the Alps 94.21.35 1958
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Life in the High Andes 94.21.12 1961
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Lima 94.19.42 ca. 1944
Julien Bryan
1 reel (549 ft.) snd. b&w. 16mm archival original
1 videoreel (15 min.) snd. b&w one inch original video
1 videocassette (15 min.) snd. b&w betacamSP $3 videomaster

Lion game [published] 91.18.9 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
4 min sound color video

Liqvan, A Village in Iran, c. 1970-1978 [supplied] 85.6.1 c. 1970-1978
Safizadeh, Fereydoun filmmaker
13,000 ft (6 hrs) silent color video

Logan African Expedition, 1929 82.5.6 1929
Pond, Alonzo archeological expedition leader
400 ft (14 min) silent b&w video

Logan African Expedition, 1930 82.5.2 1930
Waite, George L. photographer
1,750 ft (64 min) silent b&w video

Logan African Expedition, Beloit College, Spring 1930 82.5.1 1930
Nash, Chuck college student 19
1,000 ft (58 min) silent b&w video

London to venice [published] 91.20.26 1970
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
2,500 ft silent color

Long Bow Film Project, 1979 and 1982 [supplied] 88.5.1 1979 and 1982
Gordon, Richard photographer
125,000 ft sound color

Lorang's way 83.2.3 1978
MacDougall, David ethnographicfilmmaker 1939
2,410 ft sound color

Lords of the Garden [published] 95.1.1 1991
Hallet, Judith Director
53 min sound color video

Lotus in the west [published] 93.24.27 1980
Bonte, Josette filmmaker
1,015 ft sound color film

Macao ii [published] 88.21.6 c. 1950
Rickshaw Films
100 ft (3 min) silent color video

Macao [published] 88.21.5 c. 1950
Rickshaw Films
100 ft (3 min) silent color video

Macumba, trance and spirit healing 90.4.1 1985
Richeport, Madeleine anthropologist
18,500 ft sound color film

Macumba, trance and spirit healing [published] 90.4.3 1985
Richeport, Madeleine anthropologist
1,548 ft sound color

Made in barbados [published] 89.22.11 1981
756 ft sound color film

Madeleine Richeport's Footage of Brazil, 1978-1980 [supplied] 90.4.2 1978-1980
Richeport, Madeleine anthropologist
10,000 ft (4 hrs 29 min) sound/silent color video

Magic of the mediterranean [published] 91.20.4 1962
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
2,962 ft silent color

Magical death [published] 84.16.10 1973
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
1,044 ft (29 min) sound color video

Majestic nature: an african travel film [published] 89.9.7 c. 1925
44 ft silent b&w film

Malaria Control in Thailand [published] 94.20.22 date unknown
Norton, Daniel Producer
899 ft sound color film

Malaya: Land of Tin and Rubber 94.21.89 1957
1 reel (504 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Man and His Culture 94.21.171 1954
1 reel (540 ft.) snd. b&w 16mm archival original

Manila & tagaytay [published] 88.21.12 c. 1950
Rickshaw Films
100 ft (3 min) silent color video

Manila [published] 88.21.11 c. 1950
Rickshaw Films
100 ft (3 min) silent color video

Maragoli 78.2.1 1976
Nichols, Sandra filmmaker 19
35,500 ft sound color film

Maria Martinez Family Pottery Demonstration, 1978 [supplied] 86.11.10 1978
Office of Museum Programs, Smithsonian Institution
67 min sound color video

Maring Film Project, 1968 [supplied] 84.14.1 1968
Jablonko, Allison
40,000 ft sound color film

Maring: documents of a new guinea people [published] 92.13.1 1980
Alovisi, Ezio
3 hrs 30 min sound color video

Marrakesh, Morocco 90.10.14 1929
97 ft (4 min) silent b&w video

Marshall Hall Pacific Travel Footage, c. 1925 [supplied] 85.9.1 c. 1925
Hall, Marshall
1,600 ft silent b&w

Marshall !Kung Expedition I, 1950 83.11.1 1950
5,000 ft silent color/b&w film

Marshall !Kung Expedition II, 1951 83.11.2 1951
21,000 ft silent color film

Marshall !Kung Expedition III, 1952-1953 83.11.3 1952-1953
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
80,000 ft silent color/b&w film

Marshall !Kung Expedition IV, 1955 83.11.4 1955
45,000 ft silent/sound color film

Marshall !Kung Expedition V, 1956 83.11.5 1956
4,000 ft silent color film

Marshall !Kung Expedition VI, 1957-1958 83.11.6 1957-1958
183,000 ft sound/silent color/b&w partial film

Marshall !Kung Expedition VIII, 1978 [supplied] 83.11.8 1978
150,000 ft sound color film

Marvel, a jakarta boy [published] 91.8.1 1974
605 ft sound color film

Mary Elmendorf's Footage of the Chan Kom Maya, Yucatan, Mexico, 1970, 1971, and 1976 [supplied] 90.8.1 1970, 1971, and 1976
Elmendorf, Mary Lindsay anthropologist
3,794 ft (1 hr 45 min) silent color video

Mashiko Village Pottery [known as] 86.6.1 c. 1937
Leach, Bernard english potter
800 ft silent b&w film

Masked Dance Performers of East India [known as 84.2.2 1980
Emigh, John professor of theatre arts
16,200 ft (8 hrs) sound color video

Mastri, a balinese woman [published] 91.8.10 1974
Film Australia
653 ft sound color film

Maya of ancient and modern yucatan [published] 93.24.31 1966
725 ft sound color film

Mayaland [published] 89.22.29 1975
1,463 ft sound color film

Mbuti Pygmy Edited Segment, c. 1961 [supplied] 91.13.7 c. 1961
Chapman, Frances cameraman
183 ft (6 min) sound b&w video

Mbuti Pygmy Film Study, 1954 [supplied] 91.13.3 1954
Chapman, Frances Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
3,870 ft (1 hr 48 min) silent color video

Mbuti Pygmy Film Study, 1954: Edited Version [supplied] 91.13.4 1954
Chapman, Frances Canadian Broadcasting Corporation cameraman
2,507 ft (70 min) silent color video

Mbuti Pygmy Film Study, 1971-1972 [supplied] 91.13.5 1971-1972
Towles, Joseph anthropologist 1937-1988
3,059 ft silent color video

Mbuti Pygmy Footage: Forest Camp, Bira and Ngwana Villages, and Station de Chasse, 1954 [supplied] 91.13.6 1954
Chapman, Frances Canadian Broadcasting Corporation cameraman
677 ft silent b&w video

Mediterranean Odyssey 91.20.30 1980
Soule, Thayer
2 reels (2,862 ft.) sil. col. 16mm archival original
1 videoreel (80 min.) sil. col. one inch master
1 videocassette (80 min.) sil. col. BetacamSP master
1 videocassette (80 min.) sil. col. 1/2 inch VHS reference
2 reels (2,682 ft.) sil. col. 16mm reference

Mediterranean World 94.21.119 1962
1 reel (828 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Mehalla 94.19.24 ca. 1950
1 reel (220 ft.) snd. b&w. 16mm archival original
1 videoreel (6 min.) snd. b&w one inch original video
1 videocassette (6 min.) snd. b&w betacamSP $3 videomaster

Melemchi Village, Nepal, 1986 [supplied] 87.7.1 1986
Bishop, John and Naomi
5 hrs sound color video

Melemchi Village, Nepal, 1989 [supplied] 90.5.1 1989
Bishop, John filmmaker
13,000 ft (6 hrs 5 min) sound/silent color video

Men bathing [published] 91.18.12 1974
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
14 min sound color video

Merriman World Travel Footage, ca. 1927-1960 76.4.1 ca. 1927-1960
Merriman, Milton E. American Express employee
reference videocassetes (4 hrs.) sil. b&w/col. 3/4 inch
reference film reels (4,994 ft.) sil. b&w/col. 16mm
dubbing master videocassettes (4 hrs.) sil. b&w/col. 3/4 inch
master video reels (4 hrs.) sil. b&w/col. one inch
preservation film reels (4,994 ft.) sil. b&w/col. 16mm
archival original 17 film reels (16,000 ft.) sil. b&w/col. 16mm

Meruri [published] 94.1.2 c. 1940s
Aboin, Raymundo Brigadier
7 min sound b&w video

METOS JAH HUT Film Project, 1987 [supplied] 89.11.2 1987
Holaday, Duncan anthropologist
900 ft sound color

Metos jah jut [published] 89.11.1 1987
dHok, Dolah bia malaysian camerman
9 min sound color

Mexican americans: an historic profile [published] 94.4.3 c. 1975
30 min sound b&w video

Mexican americans: the invisible majority [published] 93.24.32 1969
Richter, Richard Television producer
1,200 ft sound b&w film

Mexican Boy: the Story of Pablo 94.21.120 1961
1 reel (678 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (19 min.) snd. col. one inch master
1 videocassette (19 min.) snd. col. betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (19 min.) snd. col. 1/2 inch VHS reference

Mexico [published] 91.20.20 1947
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
2,932 ft silent color/b&w video

Mexico, wonderful mexico [published] 91.20.13 1975
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
3,089 ft silent color

Mexico y sus contornos [published] 93.24.33 1958
690 ft sound color film

Mexico: Geography of the Americas 94.21.9 1955
1 reel (360 ft.) snd. b&w 16mm archival original

Mexico: the Land and the People 94.21.187 1961
1 reel (720 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Micronesia: the people and their arts [published] 87.9.31 1979
Boulton, Laura musicologist
1,440 ft (40 min) sound color video

Milestones to Malaysia [published] 94.20.17 c. 1965
1008 ft sound b&w film

Miscellaneous India, c. 1920s [supplied] 89.2.17 c. 1920s
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. art historian
650 ft (26 min) silent b&w video

Miscellaneous Japan, c. 1920s [supplied] 89.2.18 c. 1920s
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. art historian
137 ft (6 min) silent b&w video

Moko jumbie 92.9.6 c. 1970
3,000 ft sound color

Montagnard-Dega Ethnic Minority People of the Highlands of South Vietnam, 1988 [supplied] 88.15.1 1988
Duc, Luong director of Hanoi Documentary Film Studio Enterprises
2,440 ft (70 min) silent color video

Monument to the sun: aztec calendar stone [published] 89.22.2 1975
576 ft sound color film

Moonblood: a yanomamo creation myth as told by dedeheiwa [published] 84.16.12 1974
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
504 ft (14 min) sound color video

Morocco the mysterious [published] 90.7.3 c. 1921
360 ft silent b&w film

Mound State Monument Museum Construction, ca. 1939 86.8.1 ca. 1939
reference 1 video cassette (5 min.) sil. b&w 3/4 inch
master 1 videocassette (5 min.) sil. b&w 3/4 inch
archival original 1 reel of film (100 ft.) sil. b&w 16mm

Music of africa [published] 93.24.34 1963
Swift, Lela Television director
1,035 ft sound b&w film

Musical holdouts [published] 93.20.6 1969
Cohen, John Ethnographic filmmaker
1,692 ft sound color

Mystical Morocco [published] 94.10.1 1961
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
88 minutes silent color film/video

Myth of naro as told by dedeheiwa [published] 84.16.13 1974
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
792 ft (22 min) sound color video

Myth of naro as told by kaobawa [published] 84.16.14 1975
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
792 ft (22 min) sound color video

Naamikaaged: Dancer for the People [published] 96.1.21 1996
Vennum, Thomas Jr. Filmmaker
25 min sound color video

N!ai, the story of the !kung woman [published] 91.18.13 1980
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
59 min sound color video

Namaqualand and Zululand 96.4.3 ca. 1945
1 reel (372 ft.) snd. b&w 16mm archival original/preservation
1 reel (372 ft.) snd. b&w 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videocassette (11 min.) snd. b&w 3/4 inch reference
1 videocassette (11 min.) snd. b&w betacamSP $3 video master

Nanook of the north [published] 89.22.32 1922
Flaherty, R.T
2,500 ft silent b&w film

Nation building [published] 93.24.16 1971
Lathan, Stan television producer
730 ft sound b&w film

National Congress of American Indians 2nd - 6th General Assembly, 1978 [supplied] 87.6.1 1978
18 hrs sound color

National Indian Policy Conference, June 5-7, 1974 [supplied] 87.6.2 1974
5 hrs sound color

[National Native American Week at Walter Reed AMC, 1985] [supplied] 94.4.4 1985
66 min sound color video

Native africa [published] 93.3.2 c. 1930s
Castle, Eugene W. film editor
355 ft (15 min) silent b&w video

Native Life in West Africa, c. 1928 [supplied] 90.21.1 c. 1928
Anders, Carolyn Loring nurse
1,980 ft (55 min) silent b&w video

Navajo Fair at Window Rock, c. 1938 90.16.3 c. 1938
Knee, Ernest
one reel (785 ft.) sil. b&w 35mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (9 min.) sil. b&w one inch master
1 videocassette (9 min.) sil. b&w BetacamSP master
1 videocassette (9 min.) sil. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference

Navajo Film Project, 1982-1986 [supplied] 87.3.1 1982-1986
Fanshel, Susan filmmaker
40,000 ft sound color

Navajo Journey 96.2.1 1952
Colburn Colby
1 reel (720 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videocassette (20 min.) snd. col 1/2 inch VHS reference

Navajo Reservation, 1953 [supplied] 92.3.1 1953
Beck, John television producer
1,144 ft sound b&w

Nawi 83.2.6 1970
MacDougall, David ethnographic filmmaker 19
833 ft sound color

New Hebrides Film Project: Banks Island, 1971 75.1.4 1971
Smithsonian Institution National Anthropological Film Center
1,472 ft (42 min) silent color video

New Hebrides Film Project: Malekula, 1970-1974 [supplied] 75.1.1 1970-1974
Smithsonian Institution National Anthropological Film Center
20,400 ft (9 hrs) silent color film (partial)/video (partial)

New Hebrides Film Project: Pentecost Island, 1971 [supplied] 75.1.3 1971
Smithsonian Institution National Anthropological Film Center
1,464 ft (46 min) silent color video

New Hebrides Film Project: Tanna Island, 1973 and 1974 [supplied] 75.1.2 1973 and 1974
Smithsonian Institution National Anthropological Film Center
11,770 ft sound color film

New Scotland 87.9.12 1943
Boulton, Laura, 1899-1980
375 ft (11 min) sound color video

New territories & china border [published] 88.21.10 c. 1950
Rickshaw Films
100 ft (3 min) silent color video

New tribes mission [published] 84.16.15 1974
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
432 ft (12 min) sound color video

Newari Film Project, 1978 [supplied] 86.13.1 1978
National Human Studies Film Center, Smithsonian Institution
84,000 ft sound color film

Newari Film Project, 1980 [supplied] 86.13.2 1980
National Human Studies Film Center, Smithsonian Institution
120,500 ft sound color film

Ngaben [published] 81.1.1 1978
Holaday, Duncan
800 ft (22 min) sound color film/video

NHK Ainu Project, 1996 [published] 96.1.27 1996
60 minutes color sound video

NMNH, Department of Anthropology Processing Lab's Move of Dugout Canoes, 1974 [supplied] 88.22.1 1974
409 ft (12 min) sound color video

No coma in acoma [published] 90.7.1 1919
686 ft silent b&w film

North Africa Prehistory Expedition [known as] 87.1.1 1930
Jenks,Dr. A.E. anthropologist 1869-1953
756 ft (26 min) silent b&w video

Northeast Archeology Project, 1979-1990 [supplied] 91.10.1 1979-1990
Timreck, Ted filmmaker 1947
100,000 ft sound color

Northwest Coast Indian Dance, c. 1930 [supplied] 87.17.4 c. 1930
345 ft (15 min) silent b&w video

Norwegian Fjord 94.21.139 1969
1 reel (468 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

N/um tchai: the ceremonial dance of the !kung bushmen [published] 91.18.14 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
20 min sound b&w video

Obligations to the Ancestors Ritual, 1986 [supplied] 88.2.2 1986
Scheerer, Laura filmmaker
4 hrs sound color video

Ocamo is my town [published] 84.16.16 1974
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
828 ft (23 min) sound color video

Okefinokee Swamp, ca. 1929
Harper, Frances naturalist
reference 1 videocassette (24 min.) sil. b&w 1/2 inch VHS
master 1 videocassette (24 min.) sil. b&w betacam sp
master 1 videoreel (24 min.) sil. b&w one inch
print 1 reel (650 ft.) sil. b&w 16mm
archival original 2 reels (1551 ft.) sil. b&w 35mm

Okeik Film Study, 1983-1984 [supplied] 93.5.1 1983-1984
Kratz, Corinne Anthropologist
6,192 (2 hrs 58 min) silent color video

Old fossils new fads 92.7.2 c. 1955
350 ft silent b&w

Old fossils new fads [published] 92.7.1 c. 1955
225 ft sound b&w

Omaha Macy Pow-wow, 1988 [supplied] 89.6.1 1988
Nebraska Educational Television Network
15 hrs sound color video

reference 1 videocassette (5 min.) sil. col. 1/2 inch VHS
master 1 videocassette (5 min.) sil. col. betacam sp
master 1 videoreel (5 min.) sil. col. one inch
print 1 reel (231 ft.) sil.col. 16mm
1 reel (578 ft.) sil. col. 35mm archival original

One weft double cloth [published] 91.8.11 1974
Australian National Film Board
487 ft sound color film

Os indios "urubus" [published] 94.1.4 c. 1950s
Foerthmann, Heinz Cinematographer
27 min silent b&w video

Our Man in Borneo [published] 94.20.18 date unknown
846 ft sound color film

Pace of life [published] 86.13.19 c. 1977
Maradol, Mathias NAFC cameraman 1955
851 ft (25 min) sound color video

Padma, south indian dancer [published] 91.8.12 1977
Film Australia
728 ft sound color film

Pagsanjan falls [published] 88.21.8 c. 1950
Rickshaw Films
100 ft (3 min) silent color video

Pak menggung: a javanese aristocrat [published] 91.8.4 1974
740 ft sound color film

Parima: frontieras do brasil [published] 94.1.1 c. 1940s
Reis, Thomas Major
24 min silent b&w video

Paris: the City and the People 94.21.36 1960
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Pashtoon Nomad Research Film Project, 1975-1976 [supplied] 75.6.1 1975-1976
National Film Board of Canada
80,000 ft sound color film

Pathe News Item - Japan Number 1, c. 1917 [supplied] 82.3.2 c. 1917
Pathe News
172 ft (7 min) silent b&w film/video

Pathe News Item - Japan Number 2, 1920 [supplied] 82.3.2 1920
Pathe News
278 ft (11 min) silent b&w film/video

Paul Travis African Travel Footage, 1927-1928 [supplied] 89.17.1 1927-1928
Travis, Paul Bough, 1891-1975
4,536 ft (2 hrs 6 min) silent b&w video

Paul Travis Travel Footage: Greece and Italy, c. 1927 [supplied] 89.17.2 c. 1927
Travis, Paul Bough, 1891-1975
382 ft (18 min) b&w silent video

Paul Wirz Research Footage of New Guinea and Indonesia, ca. 1930 [supplied] 76.6.1 ca. 1930
Wirz, Paul anthropologist
4,950 ft (3 hrs 24 min) silent b&w film/video

Peace Corps in Junior High (Korea) [published] 94.20.10 date unknown
561 ft sound b&w film

Pearls and savages [published] 89.1.1 1921
Hurley, Frank explorer
351 ft (10 min) sound b&w video

People of Spain 94.21.149 1955
1 reel (612 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

People of the potlatch [published] 87.9.18 c. 1942
Boulton, Laura musicologist
745 ft (20 min) sound color video

People of the wind 90.13.1 1972
Howrath, Anthony photographer
50,000 ft sound b&w

People on the move [published] 89.22.10 1981
775 ft sound color film

Pere Village, Manus Province, Papua New Guinea, 1975 90.15.1 1975
Roll, Barbara Honeyman anthropologist
2 video cassettes (37 min.) snd. col. 1/2 inch VHS video reference
2 video cassettes (37 min.) snd. col. 3/4 inch video master
2 film reels (550 ft.) snd. col. S8mm archival original

Pericles in america [published] 93.20.12 1988
Cohen, John Ethnographic filmmaker
2,520 sound color

Peru: People of the Andes 94.21.161 1959
1 reel (576 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Peru: when the world turned dark [published] 88.18.1 c. 1988
Lobo, Maria Luisa
51 min sound color video

Peruvian weaving [published] 93.20.4 1980
Cohen, John Ethnographic filmmaker
900 ft sound color

Peyote Road [published] 95.1.3 1994
Rhine, Gary Director
25 min sound color video

Pharaoh's of Ancient Egypt Three Passports to Adventure 92 1974
reference 1 DVD (23 min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (23 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (23 min.) snd. col. 2 inch

Philippine Dance [supplied] 86.11.1 unknown
200 ft (6 min) silent color video

Philippines, c. 1929 [supplied] 81.2.4 c. 1929
Hilsman, Roger Captain, United States Army 1890-****
1,400 ft silent b&w film
master 1 videoreel (42 min.) sil. b&w one inch
master 1 videocassette (42 min.) sil. b&w betacam sp
reference 1 videocassette (42 min.) sil. b&w 1/2 inch VHS

Playing with scorpions [published] 91.18.17 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
4 min sound color video

Poland: Land Under Communism 94.21.172 1960
1 reel (792 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Polish dance [published] 87.9.15 1943
Boulton, Laura musicologist
320 ft (9 min) silent color video

Polynesians of Madagascar Three Passports to Adventure 94 1974
reference 1 DVD (26 min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (26 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (26 min.) snd. col. 2 inch

Pomo shaman [published] 93.24.35 1964
725 ft sound b&w film

Portugal novo [published] 93.19.1 1939
Broadhurst, Jeanne
2,103 ft sound b&w

Post industrial fiddle [published] 93.20.8 1982
Cohen, John Ethnographic filmmaker
828 ft sound b&w

Pottery in the Gold Coast 96.4.2 ca. 1940
1 reel (319 ft.) snd. b&w 16mm archival original/preservation
1 reel (319 ft.) snd. b&w 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videocassette (10 min.) snd. b&w 3/4 inch reference
1 videocassette (10 min.) snd. b&w betacamSP $3 video master

Powerhouse for god 89.15.2 1988
Dornfield, Barry filmmaker
50,000 ft sound color

Powerhouse for god [published] 89.15.1 1988
Dornfield, Barry filmmaker
58 min sound color video

Preparing for Tomorrow [published] 94.20.2 unknown date
author unknown
952 feet sound film

Present Day Greece and Its Mediterranean Islands [known as] 87.14.1 1946-1951
Nicholson, John medical doctor
6,400 ft (3 hrs) silent color video

Primitive america [published] 91.4.1 1934
Ideal What-Nots Tennessee
328 ft sound b&w

Primitive paradise [published] 78.1.2/85.11.5 1961
Excelsior Pictures Corporation
1,600 ft (45 min) sound color video

Primitive peoples of the matto grosso [published] 91.21.9 c. 1955
Nemith, Ted
576 ft (16 min) sound b&w video

Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands 94.21.23 1962
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Q'eros: the shape of survival [published] 93.20.3 1979
Cohen, John Ethnographic filmmaker
1,908 ft sound color

Railroads are Fun [published] 91.20.28 1961
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
80 minutes silent color film/video

Rainbow lands of central america [published] 91.20.1 1958
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
3,288 ft silent color

Rainbow [published] 90.7.2 c. 1926
699 ft silent b&w film/video

Ramparts of two worlds [published] 93.1.6 c. 1940
Hubbard, S.J., Bernard Jesuit priest 1888-1962
756 ft (21 min) sound b&w video

Ranch Scenes, New Mexico, c. 1938 90.16.5 c. 1938
Knee, Ernest
one reel (245 ft.) sil. b&w 35mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (3 min.) sil. b&w one inch master
1 videocassette (3 min.) sil. b&w BetacamSP master
1 videocassette (3 min.) sil. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference

Rastafari voices [published] 86.2.1 1978
Leib, Elliott anthropology graduate student
2,072 ft sound color film

Rastafari: conversations concerning woman [published] 86.2.3 1985
Leib, Eliot anthropology graduate student
59 min sound color video

RASTAFARI: CONVERSATIONS CONCERNING WOMEN Video Project, 1983 [supplied] 86.2.2 1983
Leib, Elliott anthropology graduate student
12 hrs sound color video

Razas y costumbres: el granizo [published] 87.13.1 1985
de Urioste, Armando filmmaker (1951- )
17 min sound color video

Razas y costumbres: los negros de las yungas [published] 87.13.1 1985
de Urioste, Armando filmmaker (1951- )
10 min sound color video

Reburial at Weiha, West Sumba, 1988 [supplied] 88.17.3 1988
Scheerer, Laura filmmaker
6 hrs sound color

Religious Examination of His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet [known as] 86.4.2 c. 1970
727 ft silent color

Reliving the past: alonzo pond and the 1930 logan african expedition 82.5.8 1986
Tarabulski, Michael graduate student 19
56 min sound color video

Report from Africa: Part I 1956
reference 1 film reel (1,850 ft.) 16mm

Republic of Africa: Its Land and Its People 1963
Original 1 film reel (604 ft.) 16mm

Return to the south pacific [published] 91.20.25 1965
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
2,500 ft silent b&w/color

Reuben Miller, Jr. World Travel Films, c. 1925 [supplied] 93.7.1 c. 1925
Miller, Reuben
7,125 ft silent b&w

Reuben Miller's Travel Footage of the Panama Canal c. 1927 [supplied] 93.7.5 c. 1927
Miller, Reuben
13 min silent b&w video

Reverend J.C. Glessner's Footage of Iraq, c. 1928-1957 [supplied] 81.3.1 c. 1928-1957
Glessner, J.C. minister
1,600 ft (44 min) silent b&w/color film/video

Rice and Peas 92.9.12 c. 1970s
Kramer, Karen filmmaker
1 videocassette (12 min.) sil. col. 1/2 inch VHS reference

Rice and Peas (Outtakes) 92.9.8 c. 1970s outtakes--archival collection
Kramer, Karen filmmaker
900 ft. snd. col. 16mm archival original reference

Richard Archbold Expedition to Papua New Guinea, 1938-1939 [supplied] 93.27.1 1938-1939
Archbold, Richard Aviator-explorer 1907-1976
1,526 ft (55 min) silent color video

Richard Throssel Footage, c. 1920s [supplied] 93.17.1 c. 1920s
Throssel, Richard photographer 1882-1933
100 ft (5 min) silent b&w video

Riddle of the mayan cave [published] 91.21.4 1968
Webster, Nicholas film producer and director
1,872 ft (53 min) sound color video

Rivalry Training Among the Pashtoon [known as 86.13.29 1977
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
252 ft (7 min) sound color video

River Basin Surveys Footage, c. 1941 [supplied] 83.13.2 c. 1941
2,370 ft (1 hr 52 min) silent b&w video

Rivers of Sand 1974
Gardner, Robert, 1925
3,024 ft sound color film

Robert Haupt's Travel Footage of India, 1933-1937 [supplied] 80.3.1 1933-1937
Haupt, Robert schoolteacher
965 ft (25 min) silent b&w film/video

Robert Kaupp's Footage of the Festival of the Battle of Puebla, 1968 [supplied] 89.4.1 1968
Kaupp, Robert anthropologist
506 ft (16 min) silent color film/video

Robert Maher's Footage of the Philippines, c. 1973 [supplied] 88.20.1 c. 1973
Maher, Robert Francis anthropologist
2,000 ft (72 min) silent color video

Robert Treat's Footage of Mexico, 1925 [supplied] 88.4.1 1925
Treat, Robert
200 ft silent b&w

Rock paintings of baja california [published] 93.24.36 1975
635 ft sound color film

Rodman Wanamaker Expedition Footage, ca. 1913 1913
archival original 1 film reel (82 ft.) sil. b&w 16mm

Rumtek Monastery, Sikkim, 1982 [supplied] 87.11.1 1982
Elliott, Mark filmmaker
40,000 ft sound color

Sabah [published] 94.20.11 date unknown
Pew, Peh Kim director, writer
974 ft sound color film

Saharan trails 82.5.4 1925-1926
Tyrrel, Bradley graduate student 1
2,070 ft (76 min) silent b&w video

Salim Ali's Ornithological Field Footage, c. 1947-1980 [supplied] 85.7.1 c. 1947-1980
Ali, Salim ornithologist 1896-****
15,000 ft silent color film

Samba [published] 90.1.3 1988
Burns, Steve
23 min sound color video

Samurai Sword Polishing, NMNH, December 1971 [supplied] 91.17.1 1971
Krantz, Victor photographer
600 ft (18 min) silent color video

Samyak and Panchare Festivals in Nepal, 1980 [supplied] 80.4.1 1980
Lewis, Todd anthropologist
9,500 ft sound color film

San Paola Festival, c. 1950 [supplied] 84.5.1 c. 1950
100 ft (3 min) silent b&w video

Sanderson's American Indian Footage, c. 1926-1932 [supplied] 84.18.1 c. 1926-1932
Sanderson, Grover T. photographer
3,700 ft (2 hrs 35 min) silent b&w film/video

Sanskrit drama in the temples of kerala [published] 77.3.4 1974
Jones, Clifford art historian
1,200 ft (28 min) sound color video

Santal Village, Bihar, India, 1980 [supplied] 83.4.1 1980
David, Cyril anthropology student
1,100 ft (30 min) silent b&w video

Sara and maybelle [published] 93.20.5 1981
Cohen, John Ethnographic filmmaker
360 ft sound b&w

Saramacca Maroons of Surinam, 1928 [supplied] 77.1.4 1928
Herskovits, Melville J. anthropologist 1895-1963
1,313 ft (41 min) silent b&w film/video

Savage splendor [published] 85.11.1 1946-1947
2,750 ft (63 min) sound color video

Scandinavia: Norway, Sweden and Denmark 94.21.59 1961
1 reel (576 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Scandinavian Lands: Norway, Sweden and Denmark 94.21.14 1954
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Scott Williams' Micronesian Film Project, 1975-1976 [supplied] 75.3.1 1975-1976
Williams, Scott filmmaker
28,500 ft sound color film

Scott Williams' Micronesian Film Project, 1980 [supplied] 80.1.1 1980
Williams, Scott filmmaker
8,000 ft sound color film

Scudder Mekeel's Footage of Lakota Sioux Sundance, c. 1930 [supplied] 92.8.1 c. 1930
Scudder, Mekeel, Haviland anthropologist
1,360 ft (38 min) silent b&w video

Scudder Mekeel's Footage of Quirigua, Guatemala and Locale, ca. 1945 92.8.2 ca. 1945
Scudder, Mekeel, Haviland anthropologist
reference 1 videocassette (22 min.) sil. col. 3/4 inch
archival original 1 reel of film (795 ft.) sil. col. 16mm

Seminole Indians, c. 1950 [supplied] 86.11.9 c. 1950
Freeman, Ethel Cutler amateur Seminole specialist and research associate with the American Museum of Natural History 1886-1972
5,300 ft (3 hrs) silent color video

Shadow Puppet Drama in South India: the Ramayana of Kamban [published] 77.3.3 1975
Jones, Clifford art historian
1,020 ft (30 min) sound color video

Shahsavan nomads of iran [published] 85.12.1 1984
Safizadeh, Fereydoun anthropologist
1,000 ft sound color

Shell mounds in the tennessee valley 86.8.3 1945
National Research Council
800 ft (23 min) silent b&w video

Shelter 94.21.34 1955
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Siam Court Dancers of Bangkok and Siam Street Dancers of Bangkok, c. 1925 [supplied] 89.2.4 c. 1925
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. art historian
241 ft (11 min) silent b&w video

Siberia through siberian eyes [published] 93.12.1 1992
Badger, Mark filmmaker
51 min sound color video

Silla's twin tumulus [published] 81.5.5 1975
Kyu-im, Lee director
2,200 ft (61 min) sound color video

Sinaga's family: a batak village [published] 91.8.16 1974
660 ft sound color film

Single parent 76.3.1 1975
Smith, Hubert filmmaker
16,700 ft sound color film

Sinjanthropus Site at Chou Kou Tien, China, c. 1935 [supplied] 81.5.6 c. 1935
Barbour, George B. geologist
400 ft (11 min) silent b&w video

Small happiness: the women of a chinese village [published] 88.5.3 1982
Gordon, Richard photographer/cinematographer
59 min sound color video

Smithsonian Institution Excavations at Tel Jemmeh, Israel, 1970-1973 [supplied] 90.14.1 1970-1973
Van Beek, Gus archeologist
3,000 ft (2 hrs) silent color video

[Smithsonian Institution War Gods Repatriation] 90.9.1 1990
Adams, Robert McCormick Secretary, Smithsonian Institution 1926
30 min sound color video

[Smithsonian Institution-National Geographic 1948-1949 Expedition to Panama] 87.8.1 1948-1949
Stewart, Richard
31 min silent color video

Smithsonian Research Expedition Video Record of STSI, Balinese School of Performing Arts, 1993 [supplied] 93.18.1 1993
Kaeppler, Adrienne Lois
82 hrs sound color video

Solomon Islands, November-December 1976 [supplied] 90.19.4 1976
Kaeppler, Adrienne Lois
1,800 ft (71 min) silent color video

Some More Samoa [published] 90.7.7 c. 1918
Outing, Chester
304 ft silent b&w film/video

Songs from papua new guinea [published] 90.20.2 1982
Charlton, Robert
720 ft (20 min) sound color film/video

Songs of a distant jungle 90.20.1 1982
Charlton, Robert
2,400 ft sound color

Songs of a distant jungle [published] 90.20.3 1982
Charlton, Robert
20 min sound color video

Sons of haji omar [published] 81.5.2 1978
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
2,100 ft sound color film

Sons of the moon 85.3.1 1984
Speed, Francis filmmaker 1918
12,000 ft sound color

Sorceror's Village (outtakes) 1954
Davis, Hassoldt, 1907
archival original (3,000 ft.) silent, color 16mm

Sounds of bamboo [published] 93.24.38 1976
1,512 ft sound color film

South africa [published] 91.20.24 1950
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
3,151 ft (89 min) silent color video

South east nuba [published] 89.22.26 1982
2,249 ft sound color film

South Indian Martial and Performing Arts, 1977, 1980 and 1983 85.13.1 1977, 1980 and 1983
Zarrilli, Phillip
6 video cassettes (1 hr. 50 min.) snd./sil. col. 3/4 inch video reference
6 video cassettes (1 hr. 50 min.) snd./sil. col. 3/4 inch video master
6 film reels (2,200 ft.) snd./sil. col. S8mm archival original

Stilt dancers of long bow village [published] 88.5.2 1979
Gordon, Richard photographer/cinematographer
27 min sound color video

Stirling New Guinea Expedition, 1926-1927 [supplied] 87.4.1 1926-1927
Stirling, Matthew anthropologist 1896-1975
8,502 ft (4 hrs 13 min) silent b&w video

Stone Dragging at Maheng Mata, West Sumba, Indonesia, 1988 [supplied] 88.17.4 1988
Scheerer, Laura filmmaker
3 hrs 22 min sound color video

Street scenes at tokio [published] 89.9.3 c. 1910
30 ft silent b&w film

Street scenes in canton, china [published] 89.9.4 c. 1910
49 ft silent b&w film

Holmes, Burton travel-lecturer
268 ft (10 min) silent b&w video

Strength, bulk and balance: the world of sumo [published] 93.24.40 1977
1,008 ft sound color film

Studies in nigerian dance, no. 1 82.11.1 ca. 1966
Speed, Francis filmmaker 1918
400 ft (11 min) sound b&w video

Studies in nigerian dance, no. 2 82.11.2 ca. 1966
Speed, Francis filmmaker 1918
400 ft (11 min) sound b&w video

Sugar plant hunting by airplane in new guinea 82.7.2 c. 1930
U. S. Department of Agriculture
438 ft silent b&w film

Sugar plant hunting by airplane in new guinea [published] 82.7.1 1929
U. S. Department of Agriculture
2,336 ft (64 min) silent b&w film/video

Sun moon lake [published] 88.21.4 c. 1950
Rickshaw Films
100 ft (3 min) silent color video

Supai* the home of the havasupai indians [published] 91.9.1 1953
Emerick, Richard anthropology graduate student 1926
831 ft sound color video

Swami shyam [published] 91.8.3 1977
696 ft sound color film

Swiss Bliss Three Passports to Adventure 038 ca. 1970
reference 1 DVD (27 min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (27 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (27 min.) snd. col. 2 inch

Switzerland [published] 91.20.23 1948
Wolfkill, Grant
2,636 ft silent color

Switzerland [published] 91.20.7 1969
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
3,065 ft silent color

Tahiti, July 1976 [supplied] 90.19.5 1976
Kaeppler, Adrienne Lois
2,556 ft (71 min) silent color video

Tahitian Dance, 1937 [supplied] 84.4.3 1937
Campbell, Douglas
2,400 ft silent b&w/color film

Tainan & kaoshiung [published] 88.21.9 c. 1950
Rickshaw Films
100 ft (3 min) silent color video

Tangoma Graduation Ceremony, GeGe, Swaziland, 1981 83.7.1 1981
Sully, Paul filmmaker 1949
1,440 ft (52 min) silent color video

Tangoma Graduation Ceremony, Lomahasha, Swaziland, 1980 83.7.2 1980
Sully, Paul filmmaker 1949
3 video cassettes (2 hr. 20 min.) snd./sil. col. 3/4 inch video reference
3 video cassettes (2 hr. 20 min.) snd./sil. col. 3/4 inch video master
3 film reels (2,100 ft.) snd./sil. col. S8mm archival original

Tapir distribution [published] 84.16.17 1975
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
540 ft (15 min) sound color video

Taram, a minangkabau village [published] 91.8.11 1974
Film Australia
790 ft sound color film

Tembo [published] 88.3.1 1951
Hill, Howard archer 1
2,290 ft (1 hr 26 min) sound color video

TEMBO (trailer) 88.3.2 1951
Hill, Howard producer/director
100 ft (4 min) sound color video

Temple Potters of Puri, 1979-1980 [supplied] 84.8.1 1979-1980
Cort, Cynthia Cunningham university student
5,200 ft (3 hrs) silent color video

Temples and peace [published] 86.8.2 1935-1936
650 ft (17 min) sound b&w video

Ten thousand beads for navaho sam [published] 93.24.41 c. 1967
Levy, Laurence Filmmaker
880 ft sound color film

The Agnicayana Ritual in India, 1975-1976 [supplied] 76.2.1 1975-1976
Staal, Frits
22,000 ft sound color film

The alhambra [published] 90.10.4 1929
97 ft (4 min) silent b&w video

The andes [published] 91.20.10 1974
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
2,944 ft (83 min) silent color video

The Apache Indian, 1945
reference 1 videocassette (10 min.) snd. col. 1/2 inch VHS
master 1 videocassette (10 min.) snd. col. betacam sp
print 1 reel (370 ft.) snd. col. 16mm

The ax fight [published] 81.5.1 1975
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
1,080 ft (30 min) sound color film/video

The back of beyond [published] 89.22.12 1979
777 ft sound color film

The ballad and the source [published] 93.20.9 1983
Cohen, John Ethnographic filmmaker
576 ft sound color

The bamboo bends and does not break [published] 91.8.13 c. 1970
Australian Broadcasting Commission
2,000 ft sound color film

The bupati of subang: a government official [published] 91.8.14 1974
837 ft sound color film

The cajuns [published] 89.22.16 1978
1,006 ft sound color film

The canadian rockies [published] 91.20.22 1947
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
2,768 ft silent color

The catawba indians of south carolina [published] 86.11.4 unknown
Kurtz, Benjamin T. sculptor
400 ft (12 min) silent b&w video

The cherokee indians of north carolina [published] 86.11.5 unknown
Kurtz, Benjamin T. sculptor
350 ft (10 min) silent b&w video

The Drummaker [published] 95.1.14 1978
Vennum, Thomas Jr. Filmmaker
38 min sound b&w video

The Drums of Winter [published] 95.1.13 1988
Elder, Sarah Producer
90 min sound color b&w video

The earth is our home [published] 94.3.2 c. 1979
Patapoff, Elizabeth producer
29 min sound color video

The ebony affair [published] 93.28.1 1972
Csaky, A.S. Film director
415 ft sound color

The Elegant Idler [published] 94.20.7 date unknown
636 ft sound color film

The Emerald Buddah [published] 75.4.2 (A Glimpse of Thailand) c. 1968
Adams, Joseph E. engineer 1913-1991
612 ft sound color film

The end of an old song [published] 93.20.2 1972
Cohen, John Ethnographic filmmaker
972 ft sound b&w

The Eruption of Mt. Mayon Volcano [known as] 81.2.3 c. 1929
Hilsman, Roger Captain, United States Army 1890-****
300 ft silent b&w film

The eskimo [published] 91.9.2 1954
Emerick, Richard anthropology graduate student 1926
1,222 ft (35 min) silent color video

The feast [published] 84.16.7 1968
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
1,044 ft sound color film

The Flagellentes [known as] 81.2.3 c. 1929
Hilsman, Roger Captain, United States Army 1890-****
300 ft sil. b&w film archival original
reference 1 videocassette (7 min.) sil. b&w 1/2inch VHS
master 1 videocassette (7 min.) sil. b&w betacam sp
master 1 videoreel (7 min.) sil. b&w one inch

The Galapagos Cruise of the Camargo 94.9.2 ca. 1930
Fleischmann, Julius
reference 3 videocassettes (1 hr. 37 min.) si. b&w one-half inch VHS
master 3 videoreels (1 hr. 37 min.) si. b&w. one inch
master 3 videocassettes (1 hr. 37 min.) si. b&w. betacamSP
3 reels (2,528 ft.) si. b&w. 16mm archival original/preservation

The glacier priest [published] 93.1.5 . 1962
Hubbard, S.J., Bernard Jesuit priest 1888-1962
468 ft (13 min) sound color/b&w video

The Gold Coast [supplied] 91.13.10 c. 1954
Chapman, Frances cameraman
167 ft (5 min) silent b&w video

The golden west [published] 91.20.18 1957
Soule, Thayer
3,134 ft silent color

The Great Southwest 91.20.19 1946
Soule, Thayer
2 video cassettes (1 hr. 32 min.) sil. col./b&w 3/4 inch reference
3,290 ft sil. col./b&w 16mm archival original

The Hasans: a Buginese Trading Family 91.8.2 1974
827 ft sound color film

The high lonesome sound [published] 93.20.1 1963
Cohen, John Ethnographic filmmaker
1,080 ft sound b&w

The himba 83.5.2 1972
Gibson, Gordon ethnographer 1915
1,000 ft (27 min) sound color video

The hoax [published] 91.7.1 1932
Brazil Matto Grosso Expedition
302 ft (11 min) sound b&w video

The holy ghost people [published] 84.19.4 1968
Adair, Peter filmmaker
1,900 ft sound b&w film

The Hopi Indian 94.21.5 1945
1 reel (338 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (9 min.) snd. col. one inch master
1 videocassette (9 min.) snd. col. betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (9 min.) snd. col. 1/2 inch VHS reference

The hunters [published] 89.22.28 1957
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
2,500 ft silent color film

The Initiation Into the Kalachakra Tantra by His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet Video Project, 1981 [supplied] 86.1.4 1981
Bastian, Edward Buddhist scholar
18 hrs sound color

The japanese [published] 93.24.19 1969
Oganesoff, Igor television producer
1,880 ft sound color film

The jolo serpent-handlers 92.9.1 c. 1980s
4,000 ft sound color

The language of faces [published] 93.24.22 1961
Korty, John film director
640 ft sound b&w film

The last of the new york cigar rollers 92.9.7 c. 1970s
1,000 ft sound color


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