The Human Studies Film Archives collections include films and videos of historical, archaeological, and ethnographic significance, including edited ethnographic films, unique research footage produced as part of anthropological research, and travelogues by amateur and professional filmmakers.

The following is a list of major collections from HSFA cataloged in Smithsonian Institution Research Information System (SIRIS):


Borneo Adventure Three Passports to Adventure 048 1971
reference 1 DVD (29 min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (29 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (29 min.) snd. col. 2 inch

Borneo: Malay Archipelago [published] 89.18.1 1919
277 ft silent b&w film/video

Borobudur: the cosmic mountain [published] 93.24.4 1972
Tunstell, Douglas writer
1,600 ft sound color film

Boy of India: Rama and His Elephant 94.21.30 1956
1 reel (360 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Boy of Southeast Asia 94.21.83 1967
1 reel (576 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference

Boy of the Netherlands 94.21.29 1957
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference

Brasilia and Black Gold Three Passports to Adventure 078A 1973
reference 1 DVD (23 min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (23 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (23 min.) snd. col. 2 inch

Brazil: People of the Highlands 94.21.87 1961
1 reel (612 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Brazil: vanishing negro [published] 93.24.5 1965
1,085 ft sound b&w film

Brazil's Gift 88.16.10 ca. 1929
400 ft (20 min) silent b&w/color video

Bride service [published] 84.16.3 1975
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
360 ft (10 min) sound color video

Bringing the past alive [published] 90.12.1 1989
Ramenofsky, Ann F
2 hrs sound color video

Britain rediscovered [published] 91.20.12 1978
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
3,081 ft silent color

British Isles: the Land and the People 94.21.78 1962
1 reel (756 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Brooklyn Giglio, 1956 [supplied] 84.11.1 1956
400 ft (15 min) silent color film/video

Brooklyn San Paulino Feast, c. 1939 [supplied] 84.10.1 c. 1939
300 ft (7 min) silent b&w video

Bryan Pearson's Footage of Kuyait, Frobisher Bay, c. 1962 [supplied] 93.26.1 c. 1962
Pearson, Bryan
800 ft (22 min) silent b&w video

Bryson Jones Travelogue: Deep South, ca. 1940 95.11.8 ca. 1940
R. Bryson Jones
1 reel (1,700 ft.) sil. b&w. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (42 min.) sil. b&w one inch master
1 videocassette (42 min.) sil. b&w betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (42 min.) sil. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference

[Bryson Jones Travelogue: Down Under, ca. 1939] 95.11.6 ca. 1939
R. Bryson Jones
1 reel (772 ft.) sil. b&w. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (28 min.) sil. b&w one inch master
1 videocassette (28 min.) sil. b&w betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (28 min.) sil. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference

Bryson Jones Travelogue: Fiji, ca. 1940 95.11.2 ca. 1940
R. Bryson Jones
1 reel (920 ft.) sil. b&w. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (52 min.) sil. b&w one inch master
1 videocassette (52 min.) sil. b&w betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (52 min.) sil. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference

Bryson Jones Travelogue: Lure of the West 95.11.1 ca. 1935
R. Bryson Jones
3 reels (5,128 ft.) sil. b&w. 35mm archival original/preservation
3 videoreels (1 hr. 9 min.) sil. b&w one inch master
3 videocassettes (1 hr. 9 min.) sil. b&w betacamSP $3 master
3 videocassettes (1 hr. 9 min.) sil. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference
1 reel (675 ft.) sil. b&w 16mm reference of reel 2

Bryson Jones Travelogue: Morocco, ca. 1935 95.11.5 ca. 1935
R. Bryson Jones
1 reel (600 ft.) sil. b&w. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (21 min.) sil. b&w one inch master
1 videocassette (21 min.) sil. b&w betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (21 min.) sil. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference

Bryson Jones Travelogue: Palestine, ca. 1935 95.11.4 ca. 1935
R. Bryson Jones
1 reel (1,200 ft.) sil. b&w. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (36 min.) sil. b&w one inch master
1 videocassette (36 min.) sil. b&w betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (36 min.) sil. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference

[Bryson Jones Travelogue: South America, ca. 1941] 95.11.7 ca. 1941
R. Bryson Jones
1 reel (1,600 ft.) sil. b&w. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (38 min.) sil. b&w one inch master
1 videocassette (38 min.) sil. b&w betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (38 min.) sil. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference

[Bryson Jones Travelogue: Western Europe, ca. 1935] 95.11.3 ca. 1930
R. Bryson Jones
1 reel (800 ft.) sil. b&w. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (31 min.) sil. b&w one inch master
1 videocassette (31 min.) sil. b&w betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (31 min.) sil. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference

Btsunchun [published] 86.13.14 1981
National Human Studies Film Center, Smithsonian Institution
400 ft sound color film

Buddhism [published] 93.24.13 1962
600 ft sound b&w film

Buddhist World 94.21.24 1963
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Building the Belau Modekngei School, 1974 [supplied] 80.2.2 1974
Vitarelli, William educator
3,300 ft (90 min) silent color film/video

Buma (African Sculpture Speaks) 94.21.26 1952
1 reel (360 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Burma: Pwe Festival and Miscellaneous, c. 1925 [supplied] 89.2.6 c. 1925
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. art historian
126 ft (6 min) silent b&w video

Burnham Footage of Southern and Eastern Africa, 1929 [supplied] 85.4.1 1929
Burnham, Frederick Russell explorer 1861-1947
1,200 ft (35 min) silent b&w video

Bushman of the kalahari [published] 93.24.6 1967
450 ft sound color film

Byways in britain [published] 91.20.3 1961
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
3,104 ft silent color film/video

Cairo 90.10.10 1929
97 ft (4 min) silent b&w video

Calapalo [published] 94.1.5 c. 1940s
Vellozo, Nilo Oliveira Cinematographer
11 min sound b&w video

Cambodian dramatic dances [published] 89.2.1 c. 1920
Ananda Coomaraswamy art historian
546 ft (25 min) silent b&w video

Canari Textile Technology, 1968 [supplied] 85.5.1 1968
Brownrigg, Leslie anthropologist
450 ft (14 min) silent b&w video

Cape to kenya [published] 91.20.8 1971
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
2,959 ft silent color

Capital of earth: the maroons of moore town 91.12.2 1979
Miller, Jefferson filmmaker
7,600 ft sound color

Capital of earth: the maroons of moore town [published] 91.12.1/93.15.1 1979
Miller, Jefferson filmmaker
1,440 ft (40 min) sound color video

CAR AND CAMERA AROUND THE WORLD: Africa, 1921-1929 [supplied] 93.29.1 1921-1929
Baker, Aloha explorer
500 ft silent b&w

Carnival in q'eros [published] 93.20.13 1991
Cohen, John Ethnographic filmmaker
1,152 ft sound color

Celebration 92.9.11 c. 1970s
Kramer, Karen filmmaker
1 videocassette (29 min.) snd. col. 1/2 inch VHS reference

Celebration 92.9.5 c. 1970s
8,500 ft sound color

Central America-Geography of the Americas 94.21.20 1955
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Charles Boys' Footage of Florida, Cuba, and Central America, c. 1946 [supplied] 89.20.1 c. 1946
Boys, Charles medical doctor
1,236 ft (36 min) silent color/b&w video

Charles Boy's Footage of Hawaii, c. 1937 [supplied] 89.20.2 c. 1937
Boys, Charles medical doctor
550 ft (20 min) silent color video

Charles Boys' Footage of the Black Feet at Glacier Park Hotel, 1929 [supplied] 89.20.3 1929
Boys, Charles medical doctor
100 ft (4 min) silent b&w video

Charles Shontz Footage of Burma, 1955-1956 [supplied] 90.22.1 1955-1956
Shontz, Charles Fulbright scholar
1,700 ft (47 min) silent color video

Charm of the south [published] 91.20.16 1955
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
2,890 ft silent color

Cheyenne Indian Sundance, c. 1937 [supplied] 87.12.1 c. 1937
250 ft (11 min) silent color video

Chicken sacrifice [published] 93.24.28 1967
Schlenker, Hermann cameraman
250 ft sound color film

Childhood Development Studies, Falalop, Woleai, Micronesia Video Project, 1980 [supplied] 92.2.1 1980
Williams, Scott film professor
27 hrs sound color

Childhood, the Enchanted Years 87.16.3 1970
Noxon, Nicolas
70,000 ft sound color

Children of bangkok [published] 91.8.15 1971
675 ft sound color film

Children of China [published] 94.19.22 1940
11 min sound b&w video

Children of Paris 94.21. 1971
1 reel (432 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Children of Scotland 94.21.153 1958
1 reel (540 ft.) b&w col. 16mm archival original

Children of the Plains Indians 94.21.155 1962
1 reel (720 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Children of the World: Thailand 94.21. 1970
1 reel (1,044 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Children throw toy assegais [published] 91.18.4 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
4 min sound color video

Children's Games, c. 1930 [supplied] 87.17.3 c. 1930
79 ft (4 min) silent b&w video

Children's magical death [published] 84.16.4 1974
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
252 ft (7 min) sound color video

China (A Hole in the Bamboo Curtain) 94.21. 1973
1 reel (1,008 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

China (Land of My Father) 94.21. 1984
1 reel (1,008 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Choquela: only interpretation [published] 93.20.11 1987
Cohen, John Ethnographic filmmaker
432 ft sound color

Christmas in oaxaca [published] 89.22.7 1975
502 ft sound color film

Ch'uan Miao Hill People of Western China, c. 1936 [supplied] 83.13.1 c. 1936
Graham, David C. missionary
450 ft (14 min) silent b&w video

Chukotka: coast of memories [published] 89.7.2 1986
Slapins, Andris ethnographic filmmaker 1949-1991
2,088 ft (49 min) sound color video

Civilization on trial in south africa [published] 91.13.11 c. 1950
Scott, Reverend Michael minister 1907-1983
846 ft (24 min) sound b&w video

Climbing the peach palm tree [published] 84.16.5 1974
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
324 ft (9 min) sound color video

Coastal and Highland Scenes of the Territory of Papua and New Guinea: Edited Film, c. 1950s [supplied] 91.7.3 c. 1950s
320 ft (9 min) sound color video

Coconut Harvest, c. 1919 [supplied] 90.7.13 c. 1919
80 ft silent b&w film

Coffee Growing and Processing in Guatemala for the American Market, c. 1926 [supplied] 91.7.4 c. 1926
376 ft (15 min) silent b&w video

Coney island mermaid 92.9.9 c. 1970s
2,800 ft sound color

Continent of Africa: Land Below the Sahara 1962
Original 1 reel film (739 ft.) 16mm

Continent of Africa: Land Below the Sahara 1963 94.21.146
1 reel (792 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Cornish Valley 94.19.51 ca. 1945
1 reel (576 ft.) snd. b&w. 16mm archival original
1 videoreel (16 min.) snd. b&w one inch original video
1 videocassette (16 min.) snd. b&w betacamSP $3 videomaster

Cowboys of the Americas [published] 95.1.6 1993
Hutton, Douglas Producer/Director
83 min sound color video

Craig Mound Excavation, Spiro Site, Oklahoma, 1936 85.2.1 1936
Northrup, L. C. surgeon
reference 1 videocassette (8 min.) sil. b&w 3/4 inch
master 1 videocassette (8 min.) sil. b&w 3/4 inch
archival original 1 reel of film (200 ft.) sil. b&w 16mm

Creative arts and crafts of mexico [published] 89.22.1 1975
576 ft sound color film

Creek Indians Come Back to Georgia, c. 1952 [supplied] 87.17.1 c. 1952
435 ft (11 min) sound/silent b&w/color video

Crown Jewels of Persia Three Passports to Adventure 1972 076
reference 1 DVD (24 min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (24 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (24 min.) snd. col. 2 inch

Curios and customs: the world of japanese antiques [published] 93.24.8 1976
1,085 ft sound color film

Dalai Lama's Visit to the Smithsonian Institution, 1979 [supplied] 86.13.20 1979
Dorjee, Ragpa Tibetan ethnocinematographer 1956
238 ft (8 min) sound color video

Damascus [published] 90.10.17 1929
98 ft (4 min) silent b&w video

Dances and Rituals of the Kingdom of Bafut and Babanki, Cameroon, 1981-1983 [supplied] 88.8.1 1981-1983
Engard, Ronald K. anthropologist 19
50 hrs sound color video

Dances of the south sea islands [published] 89.2.13 c. 1927
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. art historian
424 ft (17 min) silent b&w video

Dancing Monks of Katmandu Three Passports to Adventure 117 1975
reference 1 DVD ( 23 min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (23 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (23 min.) snd. col. 2 inch

Dancing to give thanks [published] 89.6.2 1988
Farrell, Michael producer/director
29 min sound color video

Dancing with the Incas [published] 93.20.14 1992
Cohen, John Ethnographic filmmaker
2,088 ft (58 minutes) sound color film

David Irwin's Footage of Arctic and World Fairs, c. 1935-1960 [supplied] 93.16.6 c. 1935-1960
Irwin, David adventurer/showman 19 -19
2,000 ft silent b&w/color

David Irwin's Footage of Canadian Sportsmen's Show, c. 1941 [supplied] 93.16.5 c. 1941
Irwin, David adventurer/showman 19 -19
381 ft silent b&w

Day care for a kibbutz toddler [published] 93.24.9 1970
Stone, L. Joseph Producer/director
860 ft sound color film

Dead Birds 1961
Gardner, Robert, 1925
2,988 ft sound color film

Debe's tantrum [published] 91.18.5 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
9 min sound color video

Deep hearts [published] 93.14.1 1980
Gardner, Robert, 1925
1,908 ft sound color film

DeJarnette Excavation, ca. 1960 86.8.4 ca. 1960
reference 1 videocassette (35 min.) sil. col. 3/4 inch
master 1 videocassette (35 min.) sil. col. 3/4 inch
archival original 1 reel of film (1,200 ft.) sil. col. 16mm

Desert caravan [published] 89.22.21 1971
437 ft sound color film

Desert people [published] 84.19.2/91.8.6 1966
Australian Film Board
1,860 ft sound b&w film

Dikung Monastery, Ladakh, 1979 [supplied] 86.11.6 1979
Michael, Franz
1,200 ft (39 min) silent color video

Discover veracruz [published] 89.22.6 1975
546 ft sound color film

Dixon-Wanamaker Expedition to Crow Agency, 1908 [supplied] 83.6.1 1908
Dixon, Joseph photographer ****-1926
1,128 ft (31 min) silent b&w video

[Dixon-Wanamaker Expedition to Crow Agency, 1908: Edited Version] [supplied] f 1908
Dixon, Joseph photographer ****-1926
26 min silent b&w video

Down the dalmatian coast [published] 87.9.2 1982
Boulton, Laura musicologist
380 ft (11 min) sound color video

Dream dances of the kashia pomo [published] 93.24.11 1962
1,085 ft sound color film

Duke of Edinburgh Culture Festival--Cook Islands, 1978 [supplied] 86.13.18 1978
Klionsky, Ruth NAFC camerawoman 1955
15,700 ft sound color film

Early man in north america [published] 89.22.15 1972
770 ft sound color film

Easter island: puzzle of the pacific [published] 89.22.22 1970
Eagle, Arnold
1,043 ft sound color film

Eastern Europe: an Introduction 94.21.88 1963
1 reel (468 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

E.C. Higbee Africa Cuts, 1929 [supplied] 89.16.2 1929
2,348 ft (1 hr 49 min) silent b&w video

E.C. Higbee African Travel Footage, 1929 [supplied] 89.16.1 1929
Higbee, E.C
2,703 ft (2 hrs 3 min) silent b&w video

E.C. Higbee Footage of the Mediterranean, 1929 [supplied] 90.10.1 1929
Higbee, E.C
1,500 ft (66 min) silent b&w video

E.C. Higbee Travel Footage of the British West Indies, 1925 [supplied] 90.3.1 1925
Higbee, E.C
1,527 ft (55 min) silent b&w video

E.C. Higbee's Bermuda, 1926 [supplied] 90.3.2 1926
Higbee, Edwin Converse
235 ft (30 min) silent b&w video

Eduardo the healer [published] 92.11.1 1978
Cowan, Richard
1,180 ft sound color film

Eduardo the Shaman: A Case Study of Culture and Hallucinogens [known as] 88.9.1 1977
Cowan, Richard filmmaker
22,000 ft (24 hrs) sound color video

Egypt: Cradle of Civilization 94.21.33 1961
1 reel (432 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Egypt...Cradle of Religion 94.19.14 ca. 1950
1 reel (199 ft.) snd. b&w. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (7 min.) snd. b&w one inch master
1 videocassette (7 min.) snd. b&w betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (7 min.) snd. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference

Egyptian villagers [published] 89.22.23 c. 1970s
500 ft sound color film

Egypt's Hollywood 94.19.23 ca. 1950
1 reel (200 ft.) snd. b&w. 16mm archival original
1 videoreel (5 min.) snd. b&w one inch original video
1 videocassette snd. b&w betacamSP $3 videomaster

Enga: A Deaf Girl's Sign Language, 1975 [supplied] 84.7.2 1975
Kendon, Adam ethnographer
2,400 ft (71 min) sound b&w video

Enga: Boys at Kasapu, 1975 [supplied] 84.7.5 1975
Kendon, Adam ethnographer
400 ft (13 min) silent b&w video

Enga: Korpetesa Ceremonial Ground, 1975 [supplied] 84.7.1 1975
Kendon, Adam ethnographer
1,600 ft (45 min) sound b&w video

Enga: Laigama Court, 1975 [supplied] 84.7.6 1975
Kendon, Adam ethnographer
2,800 ft (75 min) sound b&w video

Enga: Laigama Greetings, 1975 [supplied] 84.7.10 1975
Kendon, Adam ethnographer
1,600 ft (46 min) silent b&w video

Enga: Log Pulling, 1975 [supplied] 84.7.3 1975
Kendon, Adam ethnographer
1,600 ft (44 min) sound b&w video

Enga: Mulitaka Market, 1975 [supplied] 84.7.9 1975
Kendon, Adam ethnographer
1,600 ft (46 min) sound b&w video

Enga: Pig Distribution, 1975 [supplied] 84.7.7 1975
Kendon, Adam ethnographer
1,200 ft (24 min) sound b&w video

Enga: Pyala's House, 1975 [supplied] 84.7.8 1975
Kendon, Adam ethnographer
1,200 ft (25 min) sound b&w video

Enga: Te Ceremony, 1975 [supplied] 84.7.4 1975
Kendon, Adam ethnographer
6,050 ft (3 hrs) sound b&w video

Enga: Trade Store, 1975 [supplied] 84.7.11 1975
Kendon, Adam ethnographer
1,200 ft (25 min) sound b&w video

Escape to the south seas [published] 91.20.11 1977
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
2,869 ft silent color film

Eskimo arts and crafts [published] 87.9.19 1943
Boulton, Laura musicologist
757 ft (21 min) sound color video

Eskimo seal hunting [published] 93.16.2 c. 1940
Irwin, David adventurer/showman 19 -19
733 ft sound b&w

Eskimo summer [published] 87.9.25 1943
Boulton, Laura musicologist
1,978 ft (55 min) sound color video

Eskimo trails [published] 93.1.4 1939
Hubbard, S.J., Bernard Jesuit priest 1888-1962
360 ft (10 min) sound b&w video

Ethel Freeman's Footage of Africa, 1949-1950 [supplied] 86.11.8 1949-1950
Freeman, Ethel Cutler 1886-1972
1,600 ft (40 min) silent color video

Ethiopian Jubilee 91.3.1 1955
Sweeney, Edward C. 1
710 ft (20 min) silent color video

Ethnographic Film Survey of Tamang and Sherpa Villages, Nepal, 1978 [supplied] 86.13.21 1978
Reinhard, Johan anthropologist 1943
1,900 ft silent color film

Ethnographic Film Survey of Tharu Villages, Nepal, 1978 [supplied] 86.13.22 1978
Reinhard, Johan anthropologist 1943
900 ft silent color film

Ethnographic Film Survey of the Raji People of Western Nepal, 1976 [supplied] 86.13.24 1976
Reinhard, Johan anthropologist 1943
1,300 ft silent color film

Ethnographic Film Survey of the Raji People of Western Nepal, 1978 [supplied] 86.13.30 1978
Reinhard, Johan anthropologist 1943
3,900 ft silent color film

Excavations at Broken Flute Cave, Arizona and La Plata District, New Mexico, ca. 1930s 87.5.1 ca. 1930s
archival original/preservation 1 film reel (800 ft) sil. b&w 16mm
master 1 video cassette (13 min.) sil. b&w 3/4 inch
reference 1 video cassette (13 min.) sil. b&w 3/4 inch

Excavations at Canyon Del Muerto, Arizona and Durango Caves, Durango, Colorado, c. 1939 87.5.2 ca. 1939
archival original/preservation 1 film reel (100 ft.) sil. col. 16mm
master 1 video cassette (3 min.) sil. col. 3/4 inch
reference 1 video cassette (3 min.) sil. col. 3/4 inch

Excavations on Kodiak Island, 1934 [known as] 86.12.1 1934
HrdliÚcka, AleÚs, 1869-1943
300 ft (9 min) silent b&w film/video

Excursion in italy [published] 89.9.8 1910
270 ft silent b&w film

Exorcism Rites "Uepotara" in Nibutani, 1992 [supplied] 93.6.3 1992
Okada, Kazuo
25 min sound b&w/color video

Exploring panama's prehistoric past [published] 91.16.6 1950
Stirling, Matthew anthropologist 1896-1975
2,584 ft (71 min) silent color video

Faces of chinatown [published] 93.24.12 1963
Dillon, Richard script writer
1,000 ft sound b&w film

Familiar Foods From Foreign Folk 86.16.2 c. 1923
684 ft (19 min) silent b&w film/video

Feast in dream village 88.2.1 1986
Scheerer, Laura filmmaker
5,040 ft sound color film

Feast in dream village [published] 88.2.5 1988
Scheerer, Laura filmmaker
972 ft (27 min) sound color video

FEAST IN DREAM VILLAGE Screening, Island of Sumba, Indonesia, 1988 [supplied] 88.17.5 1988
Scheerer, Laura filmmaker
1 hr sound color video

Ferdinand Rice World Travel Footage, c. 1930-1959 [supplied] 84.1.1 c. 1930-1959
Rice, Ferdinand
16,000 ft silent b&w/color

Fifth Pacific Festival of Arts, Townsville, Australia, 1988 [supplied] 90.18.2 1988
Kaeppler, Adrienne Lois
20 hrs sound color

Fifty miles from times square [published] 93.20.7 1972
Cohen, John Ethnographic filmmaker
1,548 ft sound color

Fiji War Dance at Beqa, c. 1925 [supplied] 89.2.5 c. 1925
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. art historian
139 ft (7 min) silent b&w video

Film Studies of Traditional Indian Life in Brazil: Canela, 1975 [supplied] 86.13.31 1975
Crocker, William Henry 1924- anthropologist
84,000 ft sound color film

Film Studies of Traditional Polynesian Lifestyle of the Cook Islands: PukaPuka Atoll, 1976 [supplied] 86.13.35 1976
Maradol, Mathias Micronesian ethnocinematographer
28,000 ft sound color film

Film Studies of Traditional Tibetan Life and Culture: Bylakuppe, South India, 1980 [supplied] 86.13.10 1980
Dorjee, Ragpa Tibetan ethnocinematographer 1956
35,470 ft sound color film

Film Studies of Traditional Tibetan Life and Culture: Hunsur, South India, 1982 [supplied] 86.13.12 1982
Dorjee, Ragpa Tibetan ethnocinematographer 1956
25,200 ft sound color film

Film Studies of Traditional Tibetan Life and Culture: Hunsur, South India, January 1981 [supplied] 86.13.8 1981
M. Michael Maloney NAFC cameraman 1949
25,419 ft sound color film

Film Studies of Traditional Tibetan Life and Culture: Hunsur, South India, November 1981 [supplied] 86.13.11 1981
Dorjee, Ragpa Tibetan ethnocinematographer 1956
24,425 ft sound color film

Film Studies of Traditional Tibetan Life and Culture: Ladakh, India, 1978 86.13.3 1978
Schecter, Steven NAFC cameraman 1957
71,969 ft sound color film

Film Studies of Traditional Tibetan Life and Culture: Ladakh, India, 1979 [supplied] 86.13.4 1979
Schecter, Steven ethnocinematographer 1957
35,330 ft sound color film


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