The National Anthropological Archives collects and preserves historical and contemporary anthropological materials that document the world's cultures and the history of anthropology, including manuscripts, fieldnotes, correspondence, photographs, maps, sound recordings, film and video created by Smithsonian anthropologists and other preeminent scholars; records of anthropological organizations; 400,000 photographs, including some of the earliest images of indigenous people worldwide; and 20,000 works of native art, mainly North American, Asian, and Oceanic.

The following is a list of major collections from NAA cataloged in Smithsonian Institution Research Information System (SIRIS):


Photograph collection 1929-1932
Graham, James Reid
ca. 2000 prints ca. 1500 negatives

Photograph of a skull from the Museo nacional de antropologia, Mexico 1970
Romano, Arturo
6 slides 6prints

Photograph of Iroquois Leaders 1866
1 print

Photograph of Tigua (Ysleta del Sur)
Cain, Lee
8 black-and-white prints 1 color print

Photographic collection ca. 1870-1950
Gilbert, Gladys
ca. 400 items

Photographic prints
Fewkes, Jesse Walter, 1850-1930
6 boxes

Photographic slides of artwork
Amiotte, Arthur
314 items

2 Photographs

Photographs from Burnette Family Album 1910s-1960s
Burnette, Robert P. Dakota
ca. 149 copy photographs

Photographs made in Africa 1949-1951
Acebes, Hector R
37 photographic prints 20"x24"

Photographs Made in New Guinea During Research on Sugar Cane 1928-1929
United States Department of Agriculture
76 prints 188 negatives

Photographs of Aleutian Island Archeological Specimens 1940s
40 prints

Photographs of American Indians and Other Subjects 1840s-1960s
Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology
ca. 22,000 items

Photographs of an Occaneechi Indian n.d.
2 prints

Photographs of anthropologists 1950s-1980s
Solecki, Ralph Stephan
3 prints

Photographs of archeological excavations and specimens 1941
Caldwell, Joseph Ralston
180 negatives
20 prints

Photographs of busts in the Physical Anthropology collection
Smithsonian Institution United States National Museum Department of Anthropology Anthopology Laboratory
ca. 350 images ca. 3x5 inches
3 pages of statistics

Photographs of exavations at Bat Cave, New Mexico (LA 4935) 1948
Dick, Herbert William
83 prints

Photographs of Holy Week Observances among the Cora April 1969
Garcia, Hector
80 prints

Photographs of Indian delegations 1967-1971
Faring, Robert M. Jr
2 albums 223 prints

Photographs of Nepal n.d.
Lewis, Todd
135 film and glass negatives

Photographs of Panama
12 prints

Photographs of Shoshoni and Comanche subjects 1933-1934
Hoebel, E. Adamson
36 prints

Photographs of Sind and Baluchistan Arts and Crafts 1980s
Fuller, Manuella
32 photographs 25-page exhibit catalog

Photographs of Southwestern and Mexican Subjects
Cooke, Sally V
25 prints 8x10 in.

Photographs of Southwestern Indians and Views 1904
Smithsonian Institution United States National Museum Department of Anthropology
ca. 50 photographs

Photographs of the Straits of Magellan Region 1933-1934
Burg, Amos
269 prints

Photographs of the Surviviors of the Battle of the Little Big Horn
Groethe, W.M.
10 prints

Photographs of Wanapum Indians 1940s-1950s
Wegener, E. A.
20 copy prints

Photographs relating to the Beatty Latin American expedition
Beatty, Donald Croom
155 photoprints

Photographs relating to the Japanese Red Cross Society of Tokyo 1904
Yegi M. fl. 1890s Japanese
4 42.2 x 55.5 cm photoprints

Photographs with correspondence and other material 1985
Mann-Angelo, Victoria Tlingit
1 set mounted photographs
36 prints

Picture postcards showing California missions and Camulos Ranch
Vroman, Adam Clark
48 postcards

Picture postcards with southern African subjects n.d.
Santiago, Margaret
7 cards

Pine Ridge Agency Day School drawings, ca. 1904.
13 drawings : graphite, crayon, colored pencil, and ink ; 20 x 28 cm.-21 x 30 cm.

Plenty Coups and John W. Scally at Pryor, Montana ca. 1927
Hokanson, Ann Sully
1 snapshot

Pochoir prints of ledger drawings by the Kiowa Five, 1929.
24 paintings : watercolor applied by pochoir ; 89 x 72 cm.

Pomo basket in Tee weave
1 Photograph

Ponca delegation 1858 Photograph
1 print

Portrait of Eduardo Masferre
Gracia-Farr, Maria Theresa
1 print

Portrait of Lala Deen Dayal
Jain, Hemlata Mrs
1 print

Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Perryman and children ca. 1920
1 print

Portrait of Tomah Joseph
1 photoprint

Portraits of Southern Cheyenne Indians September 1991
Zehr, Howard
6 prints

Position descriptions 1961-1966
Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History Department of Anthropology
1.5 inches

Poster publicizing Oglala Lakota College
Poster 17 x 21 3/4 in.

Posters of Indian art from the Indian Court in the Federal Building at the Golden Gate International Exposition 1939
7 posters

Potter at wheel making large earthenware jar
1 14 x 17.5 cm drawing

Potter at wheel making large earthenware jar
1 14 x 17.5 cm drawing

Potter at wheel making large earthenware jar
1 14 x 17.5 cm drawing

Potter at wheel making large earthenware jar
1 14 x 17.5 cm drawing

Potter at wheel making large earthenware jar
1 14 x 17.5 cm drawing

Potter at wheel making large earthenware jar
1 14 x 17.5 cm drawing

Pottery making in Sinoloa, Mexico
Weakly, Ward F.
14 prints
3 pages

Prehistory in the Richard B. Russell Reservoir: the Archaic and Woodland Periods on the Upper Savannah River September 1986
Wood, W. Dean
398 pages

President Calvin Coolidge and Blackfoot Indians September 17, 1927 Photograph
Scherer, Frank R. Washington, D.C.
1 print

Reisler, Lillian
18 items

Reisler, Lillian
18 items

Ralph K. Lewis Lebanon Manuscript
Lewis, Ralph Kepler
2 cubic feet

Ralph Leon Beals Papers 1919-1970
Beals, Ralph Leon 1901-1985
52 linear feet

Ray DeMallie Collection on Siouan Languages
DeMallie, Raymond
2 linear feet

Records concerning American Antiquity
Society for American Archaeology
ca. 11.5 feet
8 boxes

Records of the Anthropology for Teachers Project
Anthropology for Teachers Project
4 linear feet

Records of the Institut for Deutsche Ostarbeit
Institut fur Deutsche Ostarbeit
32 linear feet

Records of the Smithsonian-New South Wales Expedition to Pakistan
Smithsonian-New South Wales Expedition to Pakistan, 1971
12 cubic feet

Records of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference
30 linear feet

Records of the Vijayanagara Research Project
Fritz, John
10.25 linear feet

Records relating to the investigation of the Bureau of American Ethnology, 1903 1879-1903
Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology
25 inches

Red Eagle drawings, n.d.
Red Eagle Cheyenne
4 drawings : colored pencil and ink ; 18 x 26 cm.-19 x 31 cm.

Red Horse pictographic account of the Battle of the Little Bighorn, 1881.
Red Horse
42 drawings : graphite, colored pencil, and ink ; 61 x 92 cm.


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