The Human Studies Film Archives collections include films and videos of historical, archaeological, and ethnographic significance, including edited ethnographic films, unique research footage produced as part of anthropological research, and travelogues by amateur and professional filmmakers.

The following is a list of major collections from HSFA cataloged in Smithsonian Institution Research Information System (SIRIS):


10 Tahun Merkeka [published] 94.20.20 1967
894 ft, 25 minutes sound color film

A bit of life in java [published] 88.16.5 1928
Pathe Science Series
386 ft (15 min) silent b&w video

A Choice I Made [published] 94.20.13 date unknown
Lorentz, Pare, Jr filmmaker
1743 ft sound b&w film

A curing ceremony [published] 91.18.6 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
8 min sound b&w video

A Day in Skaguay [supplied] 94.14.5 1918
6 minutes 39 seconds silent b&w video

A father washes his children [published] 84.16.6 1974
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
540 ft (15 min) sound color video

A Good Sikh Never Cuts His Hair, c. 1920s [supplied] 89.2.16 c. 1920s
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. art historian
113 ft (6 min) silent b&w video

A group of women [published] 91.18.7 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
5 min sound b&w video

A joking relationship [published] 91.18.19 1974
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
13 min sound b&w video

A Mamprusi Village 96.4.1 1944
1 reel (702 ft.) snd. b&w 16mm archival original/preserva tion
1 reel (702 ft.) snd. b&w 16mm archival original/preserva tion
1 videocassette (20 min.) snd. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference
1 videocassette (20 min.) snd. b&w betacamSP $3 video master

A man and his wife weave a hammock [published] 84.16.11 1974
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
432 ft (12 min) sound color video

A pioneer family in alaska [published] 81.5.3 c. 1980
Cook, Phil director
1,368 ft sound color film

A polynesian odyssey [published] 90.7.6 1921
Holmes, Burton travel-lecturer
818 ft (14 min) silent b&w video

A rite of passage [published] 91.18.18 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
14 min sound color video

A search for vanished people, 1982
Patapoff, Elizabeth producer
1 videocassette (29 min.) snd. col. 1/2 inch VHS reference

A spirit here today: a scrapbook of chopi village music [published] 94.2.1 1994
Zantzinger, Gei Ethnographic filmmaker
45 min sound color video

A story of the tropics [published] 91.21.10 1969
Carter, John film producer
1,188 ft (33 min) sound color video

A Trek to Little Tibet [known as] 91.21.8 c. 1959
Bhavnani, M.
864 ft (24 min) silent color video

A trip to the leeward islands [published] 88.16.10 c. 1918
80 ft silent b&w film

A wife among wives 83.2.2 1981
MacDougall, David ethnographic filmmaker 1939
2,562 ft sound color

A World On Display 96.1.1 1994
Eric Breitbart
1 videocassette (53 min.) snd. b&w col. 1/2 inch VHS reference

A zenana: scenes and recollections 86.9.2 1980-1981
Sandall, Roger ethnographic filmmaker 1933
8,000 ft sound color

A zenana: scenes and recollections [published] 86.9.4 1982
Sandall, Roger ethnographic filmmaker 1933
60 min sound color video

Aborigines of the sea coast [published] 91.8.7 1950
Australian National Film Board
711 ft sound color film

About Farmers 94.21.40 1972
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference

Abriendo brecha [published] 87.13.2 1984
Agazzi, Paolo filmmaker
32 min sound color video

Accompong: Black Freedom Fighters in Jamaica [published] 95.1.8 RV 1992
Manafi, Said Director
53 minutes sound color video

Adena Burial Mound Excavation, ca. 1939 83.8.1 ca. 1939
Buckner, John L
reference 1 videocassette (23 min.) sil. b&w 3/4 inch
reference 1 film reel (720 ft.) sil. b&w 16mm
dubbing master 1 video cassette (23 min.) sil. b&w 3/4 inch
master 1 videocassette (23 min.) sil. b&w one inch
preservation 1 film reel (720 ft.) sil. b&w 16mm
archival original 1 film reel (400 ft.) sil. b&w 8mm

Adventure On the Amazon Three Passports to Adventure 50 1972
reference 1 DVD (24 min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (24 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (24 min.) snd. col. 2 inch

Afghanistan, c. 1959 [supplied] 91.21.3 c. 1959
McDonald, Weir
1,764 ft (49 min) sound color video

Afghanistan: Threads of Life 94.21. 1980
1 reel (1,044 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference

Africa is My Home 94.19.7 ca. 1960
J. Michael Hagopian Ph.D
1 reel (770 ft.) snd. b&w. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (21 min.) snd. b&w one inch master
1 videocassette (21 min.) snd. b&w betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (21 min.) snd. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference

Africa Sings and Dances 98.18.4 1966
archival original 1 reel snd. col. 16mm

Africa Today: Changes and Challenges 1978
reference film reel (539 ft.) snd. col. 16mm

Africa: an Introduction 94.21.42 1981
1 reel (648 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference

African Continent: Northern Region 94.21.251 1962
1 reel (504 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

African Continent: Southern Region 94.21.252 1962
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

African Drought: Changing Nomadic Cultures 94.21.186 ca. 1960
1 reel (936 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference

African Hunting Trip-1930 83.1.1 1930
Fuller, Mortimer businessman 1 -1989
1,345 ft (50 min) silent b&w video

Afro-Brazilian Video Project: Maranhao, Northern Brazil, 1991
Halperin, Daniel
50 hrs sound color video

Afro-Caribbean Dance Traditions: Cuba, Haiti, and Brazil, 1986-1992 [supplied] 93.8.1 1986-1992
Daniel, Yvonne Payne
35 hrs 44 min sound color video

Afro-Jamaican Traditions: Ettu, Kumina, Kromanti, Rastafari, and Mento, 1989 [supplied] 89.8.1 1989
Homiak, John anthropologist 1947
4 hrs 37 min sound color video

Ainu life in shiraoi village [published] 93.6.1 1992
EC Japan Archives, Shimonaka Memorial Foundation & Tokyo Cinema, Inc
35 min silent color/b&w video

Algiers, Algeria, 1954 [supplied] 91.13.8 1954
Chapman, Francis Cameraman
101 ft (4 min) silent color video

All under heaven [published] 88.5.4 1982
Gordon, Richard photographer/cinematographer
60 min sound color video

Alpine Village [published] 94.19.5 1948
14 min sound b&w video

Amazon Indian Adventure Three Passports to Adventure 1974
reference 1 DVD (27 min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (27 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (27 min.) snd. col. 2 inch

Amazon: People and Resources of Northern Brazil 94.21.167 1957
1 reel (792 ft.) snd. b&w 16mm archival original

Amending p.l. 83-280: an opportunity for indian self-determination [published] 87.6.3 1975
1 hr sound b&w video

American Experience: Our Living Traditions 94.21.118 1975
1 reel (684 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference

American Indian Circles of Wisdom [published] 96.1.24 1994
Thompson, Tom Producer
57 min sound color video

America's first city: teotihuacan [published] 89.22.5 1975
690 ft sound color film

An argument about a marriage [published] 91.18.2 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
18 min sound color video

An endangered species [published] 89.22.27 1979
3,245 ft sound color film

An Introduction to Constitutional Psychology [published] 87.10.1 1973
Carter, Vaunda Producer
232 minutes sound color video

An island in america [published] 94.4.1 c. 1965
Sawyer, David film producer and director
30 min sound color video

Ancient Egyptian 94.21.81 1964
1 reel (972 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference

Ancient Greece 94.21.2 1976
1 reel (360 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference

Ancient Persia 94.21.6 1964
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference

Ancient Peruvian 94.21.133 1968
1 reel (936 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference

Ancient Rome 90.10.6 1929
1 videocassette (4 min.) sil. b&w /4 inch reference
1 reel (96 ft.) sil. b&w 16mm archival original

Ancient Rome 94.21.59 1949
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

Ancient World Inheritance 94.21.1 1962
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original

And What Did You See? [published] 94.20.5 date unknown
431 ft sound b&w film

Angkor [published] 75.4.1 c. 1960
Adams, Joseph E. engineer 1913-1991
1,944 ft (45 min) sound color film/video

Angotee: Story of an Eskimo Boy, 1953
reference 1 videocassette (30 min.) snd. col. 1/2 inch VHS
master 1 videocassette (30 min.) snd. col. 3/4 inch
print 1 reel (1,062 ft.) snd. col. (faded) 16mm

Animals in African Game Reserve, c. 1924 [supplied] 89.9.6 c. 1924
405 ft silent b&w film

Anthropology: origins of man [published] 93.24.1 1965
Prowitt, David Television producer
1,050 ft sound b&w film

Apache Gaming: Betting on the Past [published] 96.1.23 1994
Huber, Kim producer
28 minutes sound color video

Archeologists at Work 94.21.126 1962
1 reel (468 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference

Arctic Expedition [known as] 91.21.15 unknown
864 ft (24 min) silent color video

Arctic springtime [published] 93.1.2 1939
Hubbard, S.J., Bernard Jesuit priest 1888-1962
360 ft (10 min) sound b&w video

Arno Atoll, c. 1950 [supplied] 83.3.1 c. 1950
Mason, Leonard Edward anthropologist
3,600 ft silent color film

Around the world [published] 91.20.15 1949
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
4,189 ft silent color

Arrows [published] 84.16.2 1974
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
360 ft (10 min) sound color video

Asan Tol Project [known as] 89.5.1 1987
Lewis, Todd anthropologist
15 hrs 30 min sound color video

Ashaninka of Eastern Peru, 1979 and 1982 [supplied] 84.3.1 1979 and 1982
Kitchen, Diane filmmaker 1949
17,000 ft silent color film

Asia: An Introduction 94.21.52 1970
1 reel (720 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference

Asian Market, 1968 [supplied] 92.10.1 1968
Sanderson, Richard media professor
1,000 ft silent color video/film

Asiatic Potters, India 1938-1939 [known as 91.2.1 1938-1939
Pearson, Adelaide founder of Rowantree Pottery
717 ft (27 min) silent b&w video

Auburn (AL) Television Interview with Harold Huscher, SI River Basin Surveys, ca. 1959 86.7.2 ca. 1959
reference 1 videocassette (23 min.) snd. b&w 3/4 inch
master 1 videocassette (23 min.) snd. b&w 3/4 inch
archival original 1 film reel (835 ft.) snd. b&w 16mm

AUFS Afghanistan Film Project, 1972 [supplied] 75.2.1 1972
American University Field Staff Film Project
48,000 ft (22 hrs) sound color video

AUFS Bolivia Aymara Film Project, 1973 [supplied] 75.2.2 1973
Smith, Hubert director1938
40,000 ft (18 hrs) sound color video

Aultralia's Wild Nor'west [supplied] 95.2.1 c. 1923
Jackson, William
11 min silent b&w video

Aurignacian Necklace Kinogram [supplied] 82.5.7 c. 1930
20 ft (1 min) silent b&w video

Australia's Wild Nor-West [published] 90.7.10 1923
Jackson, William photographer
795 ft silent b&w film/video

Austria Nobody Knows Three Passports to Adventure 047-048 1971
reference 1 DVD (24 min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (24 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (24 min.) snd. col. 2 inch

Austrian Motorcycle Expedition Through Africa, Capetown to Cairo, 1935-1936 79.1.1 1935-1936
Bohmer, Joseph Austrian filmmaker 1905
1,350 ft silent b&w film

Aymara Leadership [published] 95.1.10 1973
Smith, Hubert filmmaker
30 min sound color video

[Aymara Village Fictional Film, c. 1989] 94.1.3 . 1989
Zavala, Eduardo Lopez Film director
28 min sound color video

Bali: Paradise Isle 93.3.4 ca. 1930
Castle, Eugene W.
350 ft (15 min) silent b&w video

Bananas: Gold From the Tropics 94.21.8 1969
1 reel (324 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference

Baobab play [published] 91.18.1 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
8 min sound color video

Baruya muka archival [published] 93.23.1 1991-1992
Dunlop, Ian film producer/director
13 hrs 24 min sound color video

Bayou Songsters [known as] 88.16.1 1916
Ditmas, R.L. curator, New York Zoological Park
136 ft silent b&w film

Bazaars of Bamako Three Passports to Adventure 080 1972
reference 1 DVD (27 min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (27 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (27 min.) snd. col. 2 inch

[Bear Sending Fest at Chikaphumi, 1935] 93.6.4 1935
Inukai, Tetsuo Professor at Hokkaido University
13 min silent b&w video

Beautiful Japan, 1917-1918
Brodsky, Benjamin travel-lecturer
3,600 ft (1 hr 40 min) silent b&w film/video

Beirut and baalbek [published] 90.10.16 1929
98 ft (4 min) silent b&w video

Belgian Farm 94.21.22 ca. 1955
1 reel (402 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (11 min.) snd. b&w one inch master
1 videocassette (11 min.) snd. col. betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (11 min.) snd. col. 1/2 inch VHS reference

Belles of the South Seas 93.3.3 ca. 1930s
Castle, Eugene W.
350 ft (15 min) silent b&w video

Beloit College Mimbres Site Excavation, c. 1930 [supplied] 82.5.5 c. 1930
400 ft (20 min) silent b&w video

Beloit College/Logan Museum Algerian Expeditions, 1925-1928 82.5.3 1925-1928
Pond, Alonzo archeological expedition leader
1,416 ft (51 min) silent b&w video

Benjamin Harrison Hay's Footage of a Pennsylvania Colliery, c. 1930-1940 [supplied] 83.12.1 c. 1930-1940
Hay, Benjamin Harrison manager of two anthracite coal companies
800 ft silent b&w

Bering Sea Eskimos, 1968 76.7.1 1968
Joli Morgan
2 reel (800 ft.) sil. col. S8mm archival original/preservation
1 videocassette (55 min.) sil. col. 3/4 inch master
1 videocassette (55 min.) sil. col. 3/4 inch VHS reference

Bernard Hubbard, S.J. Alaskan Footage: King Island, 1937-1938 [supplied] 93.1.1 1937-1938
Hubbard, S.J., Bernard Jesuit priest 1888-1962
64,700 ft (30 hrs 4 min) silent b&w video

Bernard Leach's Scenes of Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, and Shanghai, 1934-1935 [supplied] 86.6.2 1934-1935
Leach, Bernard potter
1,200 ft silent b&w film

Bethlehem and gethsemane [published] 90.10.8 1929
97 ft (4 min) silent b&w video

Bharvad Pastoralists of Western India, 1983 [supplied] 84.17.1 1983
Jhala, Jayasinhji ethnographer/filmmaker
20,000 ft (10 hrs) sound color video

Birdwhistell Film Collection, c. 1961-1972 [supplied] 82.8 c. 1961-1972
Birdwhistell, Raymond L. anthropologist
90,000 ft silent/sound b&w/color

Bishop of the Arctic [published] 95.1.2 1994
Kennedy, Joe Director
50 min sound color video

Bison Round-up and Oglala Sioux Encampment, 1937 [supplied] 88.7.1 1937
Freeland, Edward Dixon superintendent, Wind Cave National Park 1901-****
288 ft (17 min) silent color video

Bitter melons [published] 91.18.3 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
30 min sound color video

Black Hills Rodeo, South Dakota, 1938 and Dog Feast, 1942 [supplied] 88.10.1 1938 and 1942
Killy, Monroe, P. Native American art dealer
366 ft (16 min) silent color video

Black soldier [published] 93.24.2 1968
905 ft sound b&w film

Blue Eagle Funeral, 1959 [supplied] 87.17.2 1959
90 ft (4 min) silent b&w video

Blunden Harbor 1951
Gardner, Robert, 1925
1 reel (725 ft) sound b&w 16mm
master 1 videocassette (21 min.) sound, b&w betacam sp
reference 1 videocassette (21 min.) sound, b&w 1/2 inch VHS

Bontoc & bangad [published] 88.21.1 c. 1950
Rickshaw Films
100 ft (3 min) silent color video

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