10 Tahun Merkeka [published] 94.20.20 1967
894 ft, 25 minutes sound color film
A bit of life in java [published] 88.16.5 1928
Pathe Science Series
386 ft (15 min) silent b&w video
A Choice I Made [published] 94.20.13 date unknown
Lorentz, Pare, Jr filmmaker
1743 ft sound b&w film
A curing ceremony [published] 91.18.6 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
8 min sound b&w video
A Day in Skaguay [supplied] 94.14.5 1918
6 minutes 39 seconds silent b&w video
A father washes his children [published] 84.16.6 1974
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
540 ft (15 min) sound color video
A Good Sikh Never Cuts His Hair, c. 1920s [supplied] 89.2.16 c. 1920s
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. art historian
113 ft (6 min) silent b&w video
A group of women [published] 91.18.7 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
5 min sound b&w video
A joking relationship [published] 91.18.19 1974
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
13 min sound b&w video
A Mamprusi Village 96.4.1 1944
1 reel (702 ft.) snd. b&w 16mm archival original/preserva tion
1 reel (702 ft.) snd. b&w 16mm archival original/preserva tion
1 videocassette (20 min.) snd. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference
1 videocassette (20 min.) snd. b&w betacamSP $3 video master
A man and his wife weave a hammock [published] 84.16.11 1974
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
432 ft (12 min) sound color video
A pioneer family in alaska [published] 81.5.3 c. 1980
Cook, Phil director
1,368 ft sound color film
A polynesian odyssey [published] 90.7.6 1921
Holmes, Burton travel-lecturer
818 ft (14 min) silent b&w video
A rite of passage [published] 91.18.18 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
14 min sound color video
A search for vanished people, 1982
Patapoff, Elizabeth producer
1 videocassette (29 min.) snd. col. 1/2 inch VHS reference
A spirit here today: a scrapbook of chopi village music [published] 94.2.1 1994
Zantzinger, Gei Ethnographic filmmaker
45 min sound color video
A story of the tropics [published] 91.21.10 1969
Carter, John film producer
1,188 ft (33 min) sound color video
A Trek to Little Tibet [known as] 91.21.8 c. 1959
Bhavnani, M.
864 ft (24 min) silent color video
A trip to the leeward islands [published] 88.16.10 c. 1918
80 ft silent b&w film
A wife among wives 83.2.2 1981
MacDougall, David ethnographic filmmaker 1939
2,562 ft sound color
A World On Display 96.1.1 1994
Eric Breitbart
1 videocassette (53 min.) snd. b&w col. 1/2 inch VHS reference
A zenana: scenes and recollections 86.9.2 1980-1981
Sandall, Roger ethnographic filmmaker 1933
8,000 ft sound color
A zenana: scenes and recollections [published] 86.9.4 1982
Sandall, Roger ethnographic filmmaker 1933
60 min sound color video
Aborigines of the sea coast [published] 91.8.7 1950
Australian National Film Board
711 ft sound color film
About Farmers 94.21.40 1972
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference
Abriendo brecha [published] 87.13.2 1984
Agazzi, Paolo filmmaker
32 min sound color video
Accompong: Black Freedom Fighters in Jamaica [published] 95.1.8 RV 1992
Manafi, Said Director
53 minutes sound color video
Adena Burial Mound Excavation, ca. 1939 83.8.1 ca. 1939
Buckner, John L
reference 1 videocassette (23 min.) sil. b&w 3/4 inch
reference 1 film reel (720 ft.) sil. b&w 16mm
dubbing master 1 video cassette (23 min.) sil. b&w 3/4 inch
master 1 videocassette (23 min.) sil. b&w one inch
preservation 1 film reel (720 ft.) sil. b&w 16mm
archival original 1 film reel (400 ft.) sil. b&w 8mm
Adventure On the Amazon Three Passports to Adventure 50 1972
reference 1 DVD (24 min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (24 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (24 min.) snd. col. 2 inch
Afghanistan, c. 1959 [supplied] 91.21.3 c. 1959
McDonald, Weir
1,764 ft (49 min) sound color video
Afghanistan: Threads of Life 94.21. 1980
1 reel (1,044 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference
Africa is My Home 94.19.7 ca. 1960
J. Michael Hagopian Ph.D
1 reel (770 ft.) snd. b&w. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (21 min.) snd. b&w one inch master
1 videocassette (21 min.) snd. b&w betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (21 min.) snd. b&w 1/2 inch VHS reference
Africa Sings and Dances 98.18.4 1966
archival original 1 reel snd. col. 16mm
Africa Today: Changes and Challenges 1978
reference film reel (539 ft.) snd. col. 16mm
Africa: an Introduction 94.21.42 1981
1 reel (648 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference
African Continent: Northern Region 94.21.251 1962
1 reel (504 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original
African Continent: Southern Region 94.21.252 1962
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original
African Drought: Changing Nomadic Cultures 94.21.186 ca. 1960
1 reel (936 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference
African Hunting Trip-1930 83.1.1 1930
Fuller, Mortimer businessman 1 -1989
1,345 ft (50 min) silent b&w video
Afro-Brazilian Video Project: Maranhao, Northern Brazil, 1991
Halperin, Daniel
50 hrs sound color video
Afro-Caribbean Dance Traditions: Cuba, Haiti, and Brazil, 1986-1992 [supplied] 93.8.1 1986-1992
Daniel, Yvonne Payne
35 hrs 44 min sound color video
Afro-Jamaican Traditions: Ettu, Kumina, Kromanti, Rastafari, and Mento, 1989 [supplied] 89.8.1 1989
Homiak, John anthropologist 1947
4 hrs 37 min sound color video
Ainu life in shiraoi village [published] 93.6.1 1992
EC Japan Archives, Shimonaka Memorial Foundation & Tokyo Cinema, Inc
35 min silent color/b&w video
Algiers, Algeria, 1954 [supplied] 91.13.8 1954
Chapman, Francis Cameraman
101 ft (4 min) silent color video
All under heaven [published] 88.5.4 1982
Gordon, Richard photographer/cinematographer
60 min sound color video
Alpine Village [published] 94.19.5 1948
14 min sound b&w video
Amazon Indian Adventure Three Passports to Adventure 1974
reference 1 DVD (27 min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (27 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (27 min.) snd. col. 2 inch
Amazon: People and Resources of Northern Brazil 94.21.167 1957
1 reel (792 ft.) snd. b&w 16mm archival original
Amending p.l. 83-280: an opportunity for indian self-determination [published] 87.6.3 1975
1 hr sound b&w video
American Experience: Our Living Traditions 94.21.118 1975
1 reel (684 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference
American Indian Circles of Wisdom [published] 96.1.24 1994
Thompson, Tom Producer
57 min sound color video
America's first city: teotihuacan [published] 89.22.5 1975
690 ft sound color film
An argument about a marriage [published] 91.18.2 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
18 min sound color video
An endangered species [published] 89.22.27 1979
3,245 ft sound color film
An Introduction to Constitutional Psychology [published] 87.10.1 1973
Carter, Vaunda Producer
232 minutes sound color video
An island in america [published] 94.4.1 c. 1965
Sawyer, David film producer and director
30 min sound color video
Ancient Egyptian 94.21.81 1964
1 reel (972 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference
Ancient Greece 94.21.2 1976
1 reel (360 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference
Ancient Persia 94.21.6 1964
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference
Ancient Peruvian 94.21.133 1968
1 reel (936 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference
Ancient Rome 90.10.6 1929
1 videocassette (4 min.) sil. b&w /4 inch reference
1 reel (96 ft.) sil. b&w 16mm archival original
Ancient Rome 94.21.59 1949
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original
Ancient World Inheritance 94.21.1 1962
1 reel (396 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original
And What Did You See? [published] 94.20.5 date unknown
431 ft sound b&w film
Angkor [published] 75.4.1 c. 1960
Adams, Joseph E. engineer 1913-1991
1,944 ft (45 min) sound color film/video
Angotee: Story of an Eskimo Boy, 1953
reference 1 videocassette (30 min.) snd. col. 1/2 inch VHS
master 1 videocassette (30 min.) snd. col. 3/4 inch
print 1 reel (1,062 ft.) snd. col. (faded) 16mm
Animals in African Game Reserve, c. 1924 [supplied] 89.9.6 c. 1924
405 ft silent b&w film
Anthropology: origins of man [published] 93.24.1 1965
Prowitt, David Television producer
1,050 ft sound b&w film
Apache Gaming: Betting on the Past [published] 96.1.23 1994
Huber, Kim producer
28 minutes sound color video
Archeologists at Work 94.21.126 1962
1 reel (468 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference
Arctic Expedition [known as] 91.21.15 unknown
864 ft (24 min) silent color video
Arctic springtime [published] 93.1.2 1939
Hubbard, S.J., Bernard Jesuit priest 1888-1962
360 ft (10 min) sound b&w video
Arno Atoll, c. 1950 [supplied] 83.3.1 c. 1950
Mason, Leonard Edward anthropologist
3,600 ft silent color film
Around the world [published] 91.20.15 1949
Soule, Thayer travel-lecturer 19
4,189 ft silent color
Arrows [published] 84.16.2 1974
Asch, Timothy ethnographic filmmaker 1932
360 ft (10 min) sound color video
Asan Tol Project [known as] 89.5.1 1987
Lewis, Todd anthropologist
15 hrs 30 min sound color video
Ashaninka of Eastern Peru, 1979 and 1982 [supplied] 84.3.1 1979 and 1982
Kitchen, Diane filmmaker 1949
17,000 ft silent color film
Asia: An Introduction 94.21.52 1970
1 reel (720 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference
Asian Market, 1968 [supplied] 92.10.1 1968
Sanderson, Richard media professor
1,000 ft silent color video/film
Asiatic Potters, India 1938-1939 [known as 91.2.1 1938-1939
Pearson, Adelaide founder of Rowantree Pottery
717 ft (27 min) silent b&w video
Auburn (AL) Television Interview with Harold Huscher, SI River Basin Surveys, ca. 1959 86.7.2 ca. 1959
reference 1 videocassette (23 min.) snd. b&w 3/4 inch
master 1 videocassette (23 min.) snd. b&w 3/4 inch
archival original 1 film reel (835 ft.) snd. b&w 16mm
AUFS Afghanistan Film Project, 1972 [supplied] 75.2.1 1972
American University Field Staff Film Project
48,000 ft (22 hrs) sound color video
AUFS Bolivia Aymara Film Project, 1973 [supplied] 75.2.2 1973
Smith, Hubert director1938
40,000 ft (18 hrs) sound color video
Aultralia's Wild Nor'west [supplied] 95.2.1 c. 1923
Jackson, William
11 min silent b&w video
Aurignacian Necklace Kinogram [supplied] 82.5.7 c. 1930
20 ft (1 min) silent b&w video
Australia's Wild Nor-West [published] 90.7.10 1923
Jackson, William photographer
795 ft silent b&w film/video
Austria Nobody Knows Three Passports to Adventure 047-048 1971
reference 1 DVD (24 min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (24 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (24 min.) snd. col. 2 inch
Austrian Motorcycle Expedition Through Africa, Capetown to Cairo, 1935-1936 79.1.1 1935-1936
Bohmer, Joseph Austrian filmmaker 1905
1,350 ft silent b&w film
Aymara Leadership [published] 95.1.10 1973
Smith, Hubert filmmaker
30 min sound color video
[Aymara Village Fictional Film, c. 1989] 94.1.3 . 1989
Zavala, Eduardo Lopez Film director
28 min sound color video
Bali: Paradise Isle 93.3.4 ca. 1930
Castle, Eugene W.
350 ft (15 min) silent b&w video
Bananas: Gold From the Tropics 94.21.8 1969
1 reel (324 ft.) snd. col. 16mm reference
Baobab play [published] 91.18.1 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
8 min sound color video
Baruya muka archival [published] 93.23.1 1991-1992
Dunlop, Ian film producer/director
13 hrs 24 min sound color video
Bayou Songsters [known as] 88.16.1 1916
Ditmas, R.L. curator, New York Zoological Park
136 ft silent b&w film
Bazaars of Bamako Three Passports to Adventure 080 1972
reference 1 DVD (27 min.) snd. col. DVD
preservation 1 videocassette (27 min.) snd. col. BetacamSP
archival original 1 video (27 min.) snd. col. 2 inch
[Bear Sending Fest at Chikaphumi, 1935] 93.6.4 1935
Inukai, Tetsuo Professor at Hokkaido University
13 min silent b&w video
Beautiful Japan, 1917-1918
Brodsky, Benjamin travel-lecturer
3,600 ft (1 hr 40 min) silent b&w film/video
Beirut and baalbek [published] 90.10.16 1929
98 ft (4 min) silent b&w video
Belgian Farm 94.21.22 ca. 1955
1 reel (402 ft.) snd. col. 16mm archival original/preservation
1 videoreel (11 min.) snd. b&w one inch master
1 videocassette (11 min.) snd. col. betacamSP $3 master
1 videocassette (11 min.) snd. col. 1/2 inch VHS reference
Belles of the South Seas 93.3.3 ca. 1930s
Castle, Eugene W.
350 ft (15 min) silent b&w video
Beloit College Mimbres Site Excavation, c. 1930 [supplied] 82.5.5 c. 1930
400 ft (20 min) silent b&w video
Beloit College/Logan Museum Algerian Expeditions, 1925-1928 82.5.3 1925-1928
Pond, Alonzo archeological expedition leader
1,416 ft (51 min) silent b&w video
Benjamin Harrison Hay's Footage of a Pennsylvania Colliery, c. 1930-1940 [supplied] 83.12.1 c. 1930-1940
Hay, Benjamin Harrison manager of two anthracite coal companies
800 ft silent b&w
Bering Sea Eskimos, 1968 76.7.1 1968
Joli Morgan
2 reel (800 ft.) sil. col. S8mm archival original/preservation
1 videocassette (55 min.) sil. col. 3/4 inch master
1 videocassette (55 min.) sil. col. 3/4 inch VHS reference
Bernard Hubbard, S.J. Alaskan Footage: King Island, 1937-1938 [supplied] 93.1.1 1937-1938
Hubbard, S.J., Bernard Jesuit priest 1888-1962
64,700 ft (30 hrs 4 min) silent b&w video
Bernard Leach's Scenes of Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, and Shanghai, 1934-1935 [supplied] 86.6.2 1934-1935
Leach, Bernard potter
1,200 ft silent b&w film
Bethlehem and gethsemane [published] 90.10.8 1929
97 ft (4 min) silent b&w video
Bharvad Pastoralists of Western India, 1983 [supplied] 84.17.1 1983
Jhala, Jayasinhji ethnographer/filmmaker
20,000 ft (10 hrs) sound color video
Birdwhistell Film Collection, c. 1961-1972 [supplied] 82.8 c. 1961-1972
Birdwhistell, Raymond L. anthropologist
90,000 ft silent/sound b&w/color
Bishop of the Arctic [published] 95.1.2 1994
Kennedy, Joe Director
50 min sound color video
Bison Round-up and Oglala Sioux Encampment, 1937 [supplied] 88.7.1 1937
Freeland, Edward Dixon superintendent, Wind Cave National Park 1901-****
288 ft (17 min) silent color video
Bitter melons [published] 91.18.3 1966
Marshall, John ethnographic filmmaker 1932
30 min sound color video
Black Hills Rodeo, South Dakota, 1938 and Dog Feast, 1942 [supplied] 88.10.1 1938 and 1942
Killy, Monroe, P. Native American art dealer
366 ft (16 min) silent color video
Black soldier [published] 93.24.2 1968
905 ft sound b&w film
Blue Eagle Funeral, 1959 [supplied] 87.17.2 1959
90 ft (4 min) silent b&w video
Blunden Harbor 1951
Gardner, Robert, 1925
1 reel (725 ft) sound b&w 16mm
master 1 videocassette (21 min.) sound, b&w betacam sp
reference 1 videocassette (21 min.) sound, b&w 1/2 inch VHS
Bontoc & bangad [published] 88.21.1 c. 1950
Rickshaw Films
100 ft (3 min) silent color video